Converting my #KMyMoney data to #GnuCash via massive #QIF files exports then imports, is an excruciatingly horrible process [despite the undoubted sophistication of the GnuCash qif importer, the process still involves a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge amount of tedious manual labour (data matching & re-categorisation), due to the substantial data structure paradigm differences between these two finance programs]. It has taken me many many days, long long days, including said all-nighter, & the process is not yet finished.
I'm doing this amount of work pretty much on a leap of faith, & atm still don't know, once i can then fully directly compare functions & features of both apps side by side, each working with my own data not just superficial samples, if it will have been worth it... ie, atm it is certainly not yet a done deal that i am formally changing my default app to GC from KMM. As a minimum the obstacles i still need to determine if i can live with or otherwise invent a workaround for, include:
- no #Tags in GC [i use these extensively in KMM]
- an apparent serious bug in GC's pop-up UI for scheduled transactions due or imminent
- transaction memo-space in GC is simply woeful.
- customisable Reports. When i last used GC well over a decade ago, it was just terrible for its reporting capability. I am excited to find that with so much more development effort & time elapsed, its Reports are now substantially better [including my mandatory would-be-a-showstopper-if-still-unavailable customisable forward-projection linear account balance trajectory plots]. I've not yet explored whether its other plots also meet my needs, or if KMM might remain better here.