Handgesponnen und handgestrickt - und gar nicht auffällig, ich liebe diesen Mantel.
Handspun and handknit - and not at all flashy, I love this coat
@handarbeiten @fiberarts @knitting #fiberarts #knitting #stricken #handmadewardrobe
Handgesponnen und handgestrickt - und gar nicht auffällig, ich liebe diesen Mantel.
Handspun and handknit - and not at all flashy, I love this coat
@handarbeiten @fiberarts @knitting #fiberarts #knitting #stricken #handmadewardrobe
Crochet is math. If you're having issues making flat circles, look at this.
(I use an alternative front end for YouTube)
#crochet #math #fiberarts #circle #geometry #trigonometry
I’m done with 4/6 of the rolags in my supported spindles current project. I’m fascinated by how the singles look and i am super curious how they’ll look when plied. I need a lot more of this kind of experience to understand what roving or rolags become when you actually spin them and how singles look when you combine them. #spinning #Handspinning #FiberArts I stopped counting the days of supported spindle spinning but suffice to say I definitely feel like each day gets easier and better.
Where do y'all buy yarn from? Are there any, like, indie, DIY yarn spinners out there?
I like some good craftivism.
"Eat the Rich" hat - free pattern
#knitting @knitting #fiberarts @fiberarts #craftivism #everythingispolitical
Whittling down my stash of tops as I learn to use my Voyager 17 mid-arm quilting machine. The neutral one was surprise gifted to my sister whose decor is based on her yellow Lab. She’s the absolute best gift recipient; excited, touched, and genuinely grateful. The shadow illusion one - wedding present. The color strips - for neighbors who always help us out on projects. The blue squares - for my older brother and wife who are some of the most generous people I know. #quilting #quilts #fiberarts
Bunny Skull Balaclava by Alexandria Masse
#art #crochet #fiberarts #uploads #bunny #skull
New project - another summer top.
I have gotten good enough with a supported spindle now that I can spin under the desk while on a teams call with the camera on. If you work with me (you know who you are) please don’t tell anyone
I’m so glad there is material to read/watch while learning to spin - books, magazines (Ply), websites/blogposts, YouTube, etc. I was reading something about learning to spin woolen and do long draw and the person specifically said not to worry if the yarn doesn’t look as smooth as your usual, because woolen yarns *aren’t* smooth, and suddenly I felt freed from expectations (or blessed with a new set of expectations). It’s supposed to be this way! Phew!!!! #spinning #handspinning #fiberArts
Meet my new #WIP - #TheAspenWrap. This wrap (made one 15+ years ago, in storage now) was a fave. Cables grip the shoulders, and moss stitch part drapes nicely, longer than it might seem from these pix.
This gorgeous wool is from Norway, generously gifted to me. Have been waiting for the perfect match for it. I think this may be it!
#Knitting @Knitting #Knitstodon #FiberArts #FibreArts #Maker #Creator #HandMade
I've been using my limited hobby time for exercising the #spinningwheel instead of mini painting. I'm going to finish this alpaca that's been sitting in stash for years so that I can move on to the super cool orange mohair/alpaca/firestar that magicked its way into my hands.
Every new #spinning method I have learned has helped me become a better spinner overall. Years ago i never got the hang of a drop spindle. But after getting an EEW 6.1 - I learned the basics of drafting. Spinning on a wheel taught me even more. Finally I learned enough to understand finally how to really use a drop spindle (my choice is Turkish). and now using the supported spindle I understand so much more about long draw, woolen versus worsted, and fiber prep. #HandSpinning #fiberArts