Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Greetings fellow humans,
A new hectoc for you:
The goal is to combine the 6 numbers to a total of 100. You can use the mathematical operations + - * / ^ and the parenthesis ( ). Numbers can be combined, but you have to use all 6 of them and are not allowed to change the order. See for an example. Please use CW "solution".
Have fun! Your hourly hectoc bot
by @seism0saurus
Your hourly hectoc is here:
The goal is to combine the 6 numbers to a total of 100. You can use the mathematical operations + - * / ^ and the parenthesis ( ). Numbers can be combined, but you have to use all 6 of them and are not allowed to change the order. See for an example. Please use CW "solution".
Have fun! Your hourly hectoc bot
by @seism0saurus
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
“Mathemalchemy” has been described as “a mathematics fever dream turned artistic playground for all math lovers (and haters, too).”
It is a fantasia fabricated in beadwork, ceramics, crochet, embroidery, knitting, leatherwork, needle felting, origami, painting, polymer clay, 3-D printing, quilting, sewing, stained glass, steel welding, light, temari, weaving, wire bending and woodworking. Last year it had an extended stay at the National Museum of Mathematics on Fifth Avenue in New York City, where one visitor on opening night felt a “Grimms’ fairy tale vibe.” The project’s official catchphrase is: “Mathemalchemy, where math is transforming.”
Can you SOLVE this ? #math
Sometimes I love to think about how tricky the battle for control over computing devices has been. Each one of them has one job: run all valid programs. There is a great history of failure of governments and organizations behind attempts to control what is by its mathematical nature uncontrollable. #tech #math #power
Can you SOLVE this ? #math