On prends un café ce matin ?
ou tu es trop timide pour venir discuter ?
On prends un café ce matin ?
ou tu es trop timide pour venir discuter ?
ce petit soumis à la grosse bite est très friand de ma bouche...
tu veux voir ce qu'on à fais d’autre ?
USGS Releases Assessment Of Undiscovered Oil & Gas Resources In Wyoming, Southern Montana
https://www.usgs.gov/news/national-news-release/usgs-releases-assessment-undiscovered-oil-and-gas-resources-wyoming <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.3133/fs20243049 <-- shared publication
https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/65032556d34ed30c2058be2d <-- shared open data
https://api.sciencebase.gov/geoserver/ows?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities&namespace=sb-65032556d34ed30c2058be2d <-- shared spatial service
#GIS #spatial #mapping #oilandgas #OG #naturalresources #oil #gas #fedscience #model #modeling #Wyoming #Montana #assessment #WindRiverBasin #BighornBasin #PowderRiverBasin #exploration #undiscovered #energy #energysupply #geology #structuralgeology #sediments #lithology #reserves
model: Alana Kern
photographer: ?
January 2025
model dob: 2006-12-16
Modelica is a language for modeling of cyber-physical systems
#HackerNews #Modelica #cyber-physical-systems #modeling #language #technology
quand je t'ai dis que je suis une salope...
dans le train je ne peu pas m’empêcher de me branler et de tout avaler..
la prochaine fois tu viens avec moi ?
j'ai souvent soif
Why do we rely on sketches instead of exact models?
Learn how modeling and sensing serve as evolutionary tools to survive in a complex world.
#modeling #feeling #evolutionary principles #neural networks #cognition #evolution #science #biology #psychology
Are you interested in #oceanography with a background in #physics, #mathematics,& data #visualization?
#hiring #sciencejobs
when I go out in a hotel, I always bring my toys to play...
I just need a man with me full time...
Can you replace this toys ?
Today I found this nice free #b3d extension for non-destructive modelling:
Just a huge and nice dick down in my throat...
let me suck and swallow you like this please ?
A Site Selection Framework For Urban Power Substation At Micro-Scale Using Spatial Optimization Strategy And Geospatial Big Data
https://doi.org/10.1111/tgis.13093 <-- shared paper
“In this study, [they] model spatiotemporal heterogeneity and incorporate it into optimizing the location of substations. The optimized substation placement ensures electrical service coverage for over 99% of the area during peak power usage seasons, compared to the current coverage of 72%...”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #siting #demand #electricity #heterogeneity #substations #powertransmission #electricalpower #distrubition #service #city #urbanisation #extremeweather #model #modeling #parameters #factors #energycrisis #energy #urbanplanning #routing #outages #framework #UrbanPS #bigdata #AI #machinelearning #Pingxiang #Jiangxi #China #casestudy #coverage #utilisation #dynamic #load #loading #loadbalancing
"Climate change is causing the world's glaciers to disappear at an alarming rate. Scientists have been studying and modeling this process for years, but until now, no research group has specifically examined how glacier melt will affect glacier-fed streams and their ecosystems".
#glaciers #ecosystems #modeling #climatechange
#SnarkNews regarding the upcoming drop of #Snark #merch! Products, both new and old, will be available for sale on Friday! THEN while #streaming on Monday a #giveaway will be hosted! Wonderful!
IMPORTANT #SnarkNews update from #TheSnarkDiscord! Snark has declared he will be live on Twitch, YouTube, and reluctantly on TikTok on time today! Will he be able to keep this promise? Stay tuned!
If you're looking for custom 3D assets for your game project, check out my Fiverr!
I don't use AI and focus on performant objects for videogames.
A Google-Backed… [Satellite] To [Help] Battle Wildfires Made It Into Orbit
https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/17/a-google-backed-weapon-to-battle-wildfires-made-it-into-orbit/ <-- shared technical article
https://sites.research.google/gr/wildfires/firesat/ <-- shared Google FireSat home page
https://youtu.be/pmQlXLaHT_Y?si=q3wM80t7qQysAQxU <-- shared video overview of FireSat
https://www.earthfirealliance.org/ <-- shared Earth Fire Alliance home page
[this post should not be considered an endorsement of this product]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #FireSat #monitoring #fire #wildfire #EarthFireAlliance #Google #satellite #remotesensing #earthobservation #detection #tracking #earlywarning #multispectral #infrared #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #risk #hazard #climatechange #extremeweather #impacts #humanimpacts #infrastructure #damage #AI #machinelearning #emergencyresponse #model #modeling
@Google @GoogleResearch @EarthFireAlliance @MuonSpace
FARMing With Data - OpenET Launches New Tool For Farmers and Ranchers
https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/ames/ames-science/farming-with-data-openet-launches-new-tool-for-farmers-and-ranchers/ <-- shared NASA article
https://etdata.org/ <-- shared OpenET home page
#GIS #spatial #mapping #OpenET #FARMing #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #farmers #agriculture #water #hydrology #NASA #USGS #waterresources #ET #evaporation #transpiration #efficiency #weather #climate #evapotranspiration #model #modeling #planning #conservation #sustainability #remotesensing #earthobservation #management #satellite #watermanagement
@USGS @nasa
A Planetary Boundary For Geological Resources - Exploring The Limits Of Regional Water Availability
https://phys.org/news/2025-03-planetary-boundary-geological-resources-exploring.html <-- shared technical article
https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adk5318 <-- shared paper
https://im-mining.com/2023/04/26/united-thinking-on-mining-water-solutions-can-save-money-and-protect-the-environment-worley-says/ <-- shared industry article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #global #regional #water #hydrology #waterresources #watersecurity #mine #mining #processing #minerals #criticalmetals #energy #products #services #surfacewater #groundwater #naturalresources #resources #geology #ecosphere #technosphere #watermanagement #sustainability #sustainableuselimit #waterconsumption #industry #production #constraints #mineralproduction #economy #economics #model #modeling #coal #iron #copper #gold