As severe weather looms over the Midwest and South, it's a stark reminder of our planet's unpredictability. Are we prepared for the storms ahead, both literally and metaphorically?
As severe weather looms over the Midwest and South, it's a stark reminder of our planet's unpredictability. Are we prepared for the storms ahead, both literally and metaphorically?
Was ich echt mal gerne machen würde (und vielleicht auch mache, irgendwann in den nächsten Jahren):
Einen Preparedness-Stammtisch hier im Rhein-Main-Gebiet ins Leben rufen.
Da gibt's so viele spannende Unterthemen, und ein Austausch mit Interessierten wäre wirklich cool.
(Dumme Witze über Prepper gibt es bei dem Thema ja immer wieder. Aber komische Gestalten kann man wahrscheinlich schon damit abhalten, dass man in der Terminankündigung gendert.
#preparedness #bevölkerungsschutz #vorsorge!7Byvbg
#IHITransformingHealth #HorizonEU #Preparedness #Health #Research
Prepare now for a potential H5N1 pandemic —
#HackerNews #Prepare #now #for #a #potential #H5N1 #pandemic #science #pandemic #preparedness #publichealth #biosecurity
Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark have signed a deal that harmonises ammunition certification and allows joint ammunition procurement. Harmonising the ammunition will be beneficial in case a crisis spills across the geographic area.
Source: (in Finnish)
@trishgreenhalgh #HarrySpoelstra on X wrote:
"In summary, extensive evidence generated during the covid-19 pandemic confirms the superiority of respirators and supports the use of masks and respirators in the community during periods of high epidemic activity."
Who in your family / friends circle receives Social Security benefits? Figure that out now & how your circle can help them survive if (when) something goes wrong with their benefits.
Seems probable that this also will hold true for those on disability, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Establish your mutual aid communication channels ASAP. Make sure folks know they aren't alone. Keep vulnerable folks fed, housed, & with meds.
We get through this together.
My reading list for holocaust pt 2 orange boogaloo
#resist #read #prepping #bookstodon #books #research #reading #learning #fascism #dystopia #preparedness #history #psychology #fucknazis
Covid-Safe Scout Mastery Badge No.8
Prepared for Isolation/Infection
This recipient has a game plan to protect their household from Covid spread, with designated isolation spaces and medication and shelf-stable supplies on hand.
Wanna earn this badge?
Use these links to stock up on supplies and make a plan for keeping yourself and loved ones from spreading Covid during an infection.
• Find more useful resources to prepare your isolation/infection recovery kit:
Already a seasoned Precautionista?
• Save the badge PNG to your device.
• Share this post and/or your badge on your favourite socials
• Reply with #CovidSafeScouts to share your isolation plan or what’s in your care kit (supplies on hand in case of illness)
• Collect all the Covid-Safe Scout badges:
While one recognizes it's not been "perfect" (what is?), it has been a step in the right direction.
#EmergencyManagement | #Communications | #CrisisManagement | #Preparedness
#introduction I'm a #queer #academic #metadata #librarian in the trenches of #DigitalLibraries & #DigitalArchives fighting the infowars. Into building #community #preparedness staying #healthy. Burner who no longer goes to TTITD. Supporter of arts, humanities, #science with too many hobbies and interests. Fuck fascism up the nose. Love one another.
This is a digital archive of books, guides, & resources focused on preparedness, self-sufficiency, & open knowledge. Looking forward to connecting with fellow readers, DIYers, & researchers!
Everything is charged up, and new carbon monoxide detector has been installed. We're as ready as we can be.
#Preparedness #WinterStorm #Maine
#outbreak wouldn't be #outbreak without #preparedness.
"Justin Case" #canadian #civil #defence #preparedness #civildefence #canada
#Maine #Winterstorm / #Icestorm Checklist:
- Woodstove cleaned and ready to go.
- Wood hauled out of storage and moved into the house.
- Battery packs fully charged.
- Water jugs filled up.
- Canned goods restocked.
- Safepaw ice melt and sand ready to go.
- Dug up battery operated fans (which helps to circulate hot air from the woodstove -- I do have an EcoFan that's pretty good at moving the air around. Meant to get another one. Put that on the 'shopping list'.)
- Grocery shopping.
- Charge up rechargeable batteries, laptops and phones [Still to do]
If you are in #Oakland and aren’t quite ready for the full #CERT program check out the Personal Emergency #Preparedness (PEP) classes. These are one day classes and you go home with an emergency kit!