Huh, this looks like it could be interesting for folks into #libre software, if you're wondering what the Harvard Business School thinks:
Huh, this looks like it could be interesting for folks into #libre software, if you're wondering what the Harvard Business School thinks:
Pendant ce temps , nous dilapidons des (74) millions d'Euros (tout de même) pour des contrats avec #Microsoft anti- #DEI.
Conozco por lo menos a tres #profesores, muy #conservadores, que rechazan que veamos #pornografía. Así sea en la #privacidad de nuestro hogar. Siempre he ignorado sus declaraciones.
Mientras no le hagas un daño verdadero a alguien, eres #libre de darte #placer con lo que desees.
Un nouveau service "Questionnaire) de @apps dev par le @PCLL afin d'avoir une alternative a framaforms et googleforms
les sources
#lispyGopherClimate #archived #gopher #technology #podcast #lisp
complete archive peertube
#climateCrisis #haiku from @kentpitman thanks as always!
#interview with exceptionally #libre #gopher @someodd gopher:// and #haskell #programmer . They run a lot of libre services as well. As always questions, boosts welcome
Chat in #lambdaMOO as always
telnet 8888
co guest
@join screwtape
#gopher #lispyGopherClimatet #notTheShowToot
@someodd confirmed #interview in a few hours. #gopher questions, #Haskell questions and comments I guess, #libre #service questions and comments from anyone ...? We'll be live in #lambdaMOO as always.
J'ai entendu dire que c'était gratuit...
L'article ne date pas d'hier mais c'est au sujet du coût d'un de nos outils numériques : Signal.
Privacy is Priceless, but Signal is Expensive
Signal is the world’s most widely used truly private messaging app, and our cryptographic technologies provide extra layers of privacy beyond the Signal app itself. Since launching in 2013, the Signal...
#libre #opensource #signal #gratuit #free
Can anyone reccomend a book or documentary that explains how companies like Google and Microsoft make money from surveillance of users? I understand some of the basics, but would really like a deep understanding. Preferably something aimed at laypeople, rather than people with a tech professional background. Thanks!
#FOSS #FLOSS #BigData #Libre
From: blenderdumbass . org
Most Free / Libre Software projects are maintained either by strong communities, or through some kind of donation system. Libre Games struggle with both aspects. There are community driven games, but those lack vision and coherent style, because different people contribute differently, on...
Read or listen:
En liberté, dans l'immensité des Andes
#andesmountains #acheval #libre
A recent Ars Technica post discussed how "everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28." A lot of the focus in the comments there was (rightly) about the ethics of that, Amazon as a company, etc. But I wanted to start a separate thread just to focus on this question: For people who want something like Alexa, what are the more privacy-respecting alternatives? I'd include in the scope of the discussion both open and closed source software, both repurposing Amazon hardware and systems requiring different hardware. (This isn't really something I'm interested in for myself, but I know people who could use this information.)
Vous recommandez quoi comme base coopératif de partage de GPX ? C'est pour faire une balade à vélo (Nantes -> La Montagne -> Indre -> Nantes).
Idéalement une forge pour pouvoir bifurquer.
En ce moment au Bouillon du Coin à Nantes, @lafediversenantaise nous présente les réseaux sociaux alternatifs.
J'ai entraîné @Norenz et j'ai retrouvé @ericbrunet
Longue vie au Libre !
Para quien guste usarle o que le sirva alguna idea para sus presentaciones, aquí está (se realizaron meramente con carácter educativo),
Lézignan-Corbières: Install Partie, Le lundi 17 mars 2025 de 17h30 à 19h30. #libreEnFete2025 #installPartie #fablab #libre #linux #lezilab #gnuLinux #logicielsLibres