My local MP emailed.
I replied.
Hello David
I will not be voting for you.
Because of
Ongoing support of Israel and its genocide.
No action on strengthening environmental laws.
Supporting Salmon farming which is endangering the Maugean Skate.
Failing to reform and increase unemployment benefits, while maintaining the punitive ‘mutual obligation’ regime.
Approving new coal, gas and oil extraction.
Doing too little to address the climate crisis.
AUKUS (I mean seriously? You have to be kidding, right?)
The NACC (What a joke).
Doing too little to improve access to hospitals, gps, mental health services etc.
Failing to recognise that the USA is a risk to our sovereignty, national security and future.
I am sure to have missed something. Oh, wait
Not following through on gambling reform.
So get back to me when you have definite policies and intentions to address even some of these things and I might reconsider the suitability of Labor for government.