It had been sixteen long years since Joyful Finder had been home. Given the changes she'd seen even while growing up, she imagined it would have changed even more in the time she'd been away.
Dives Swiftly watched her hands move over the controls as her little ship emerged back into normal space about a day out from her home, and then pecked the radio scanner speaker control.
There was a burst of static, and then words - in her own language! A weather report for the jungle regions of the north-west. They must have succeeded in building satellite launchers. That at least would give raiders a little bit of pause.
Her little ship would not count for much in a fight, but what Joy carried was far more important. Twelve of those sixteen years away had been spent doing postal runs. Living almost constantly in a ship that had, really, only two components - a FTL engine, and massive computer stores. Such a life featured many long periods of doing nothing. And so she'd filled it with study - learning everything she could about kickstarting industry.
Her people had made great strides in the years since her ancestors had made a family, but there were two things that would allow them to fight effectively. The first was fusion power. Small, portable, and powerful fusion power. The second was gravitic control. With those two it was possible to build defence ships that could fight on equal terms with most raiders.
This was what she was bringing home.
Dives Swiftly pecked another control and whistled. That sounded like air traffic control. She'd call in soon.
As a teenager, Joy had looked back at her ancestor's journals. Lorn had been surprised at the depth of scientific knowledge that her adopted world had, given its largely agrarian appearance. In the two hundred years since the elders had decided to implement much of that knowledge. Now Joy would be adding to it.
Picking up the mic, she transmitted "Shaman's Home ATC, this is Scout Ship Lorndottire, Joyful Finder commanding. I am on approach to the planet, ETA to low orbit is twenty three hours."
It would be a good five to ten minutes before a reply came in.
"We'll be home soon. And you'll have a chance to hunt proper food!"
She got a whistle, and a strong sense of focus formed in her mind.
The radio crackled to life. "Shaman's Home ATC, this is Scout Ship Chorus, Charlie Fischer commanding. I am on approach to the planet, ETA to low orbit 24 hours." There was a pause. "Hello there, Lorndottire! Fancy meeting you here."
There was a sudden sense of humour coming from Dives Swiftly.
Glaring at her companion "Charlie? What are you doing here?"
"Did you think I was going to let you disappear off without me? I've been chasing you for the last fifteen systems!"
Joy smiled, and then looked back at the bird busily preening. "You knew, didn't you?" Dives looked up as if to say "Who me?", and went back to preening.