Oh shit, during my edits I removed the 1/x from the first part of my #wss366 contribution for #present. I'm glad @asakiyume knows enough that it's rare to write only one #tootfic.
Oh shit, during my edits I removed the 1/x from the first part of my #wss366 contribution for #present. I'm glad @asakiyume knows enough that it's rare to write only one #tootfic.
Good turnout in the #wss366 hashtag today!
Here's part 1 a 2-parter in the #wss366 hashtag for today's word, "present," by @tobadzistsini
"No, we don't want to go into the library," said little Phineas (known as "Finny") to Mrs. Hernandez, the second-grade teacher.
"Who's we, Finny? The whole rest of the class is already in there for story hour," said Mrs. Hernandez.
"It's me and my six invisible brothers," said Finny with dignity. "They've always got my back. And my sides, and also my front. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not present."
duly unelected
a clear
and present danger
with Christmas presents
a local animal shelter
Sarah made her way to the kitchen, wearing one of her Gran’s nightgowns. Something smelled wonderful. She was feeling uncertain, restarting her entire life. Looking at the kitchen table, she saw a plate of freshly baked muffins and a bowl of fruit. Her favorite mug, used since childhood when visiting Gran, stood nearby. All she had to do was add coffee. Leave it to Gran to leave a present like this, one that changed her mood and left her feeling loved, and yes….hopeful. #wss366
Prompt - present
While it continued to rain outside, they spent the evening chatting amiably with the family. Kasseh spun them a tale about how they were traveling to the Capital for a relative's wedding and to bring the supplies for their business as a wedding present. She described their adventures in a highly redacted form. They were amazed to hear about the distant mountains and the sight of the ocean from an airship. Only Rudy had ever traveled farther than the nearby village of Strawtown. #wss366
Today's Wandering Shop Stories #prompt is #present. Feel like writing something short and sweet that has the word "present" in it? Check out the definitions of the word at: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/present Join in and tag it with #wss366! #writing #WritingLife #microfiction h/t @tobadzistsini
Zig's phone was set to a Y2K playlist: Tori Amos's "1,000 Oceans" had just started
/these tears I've cried/I've cried a thousand oceans/
Tendri fast forwarded.
"It reminds me too much of Tavian."
Zig nodded, & the two sat thinking of their fallen comrade.
But the phone jumped back to "1,000 Oceans"
/I'm aware what the rules are/but you know that I will run/you know that I will follow you/
Tendri's heart #skipped a beat. Thru the rain, a figure approached. Tavian.
Cold horror gripped Frank's balls.
A pod #skipped across the Martian sky.
The vapor trail faded.
He couldn't tell where the cargo landed.
If it landed.
Frank cycled into the hab.
Defeat smelled like body odor and scrubbed air.
He skipped meals.
Lost 24 kilos too.
Earth kilos.
The pantry had enough for a last supper.
His remaining mylar packets heated on the counter.
Frank unsuited and sat.
A film flickered onscreen.
An ad started to play.
An unskippable ad.
No one heard him scream.
stagnant pond
skipping a stone
into oblivion
express train
it skips my stop
Today's Wandering Shop Stories #prompt is #skip. Feel like writing something short and sweet that has the word "skip" in it? Check out the definitions of the word at: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/skip Join in and tag it with #wss366! #writing #WritingLife #microfiction h/t @tobadzistsini
And one more in the #wss366 hashtag for today's word, "lead," a 2-parter from @tobadzistsini. It begins here:
None of them knew each other, but the three others formed an instant opinion of the fourth, a guy who walked with his shoulders thrown back and his chin lifted, as if he could hear an adoring audience cheering. He was the one who pushed on the glowing doors of the edifice they all came to consciousness in front of.
The doors opened inward.
"I'll #lead; you follow," the guy said. The other three glanced at each other.
"You're not the boss of us, actually," one said.
"Or get out of the way!" Didi thundered onscreen in a cloud of dust to grapple the old Kiki.
Tav nuzzled Kiki as whomever was portraying the old Kiki got tossed offscreen by a triumphant Didi.
"PUSSY POSSE: AUSTIN ANNIHILATION — Streaming only on Keeno" scrolled as the faces of Agent P, Brad, Chad, and Thad turned to menace the audience.
The TV went dark.
Moyer dropped the remote for another to raise the bed, "Why are you watching that crap?" 2/2
Sgt. Moyer slept during Kiki and Tav's vigil.
Kiki's vigil for Tim.
Tav's vigil for Kiki.
Both watched a trailer on Keeno. Someone dramatized the destruction of Austin as a 21st century cape film. Tav was heavy and solid against Kiki's leg when the trailer began.
"#Lead!" Titi's hair blazed as she rose from the bottom of the screen in a storm of spirals.
"Follow!" Amidst gargoyle instrumentation and tools, something flared before Pipi's goggled face as she assembled a crazy gadget. 1/2
writer's block
of a lead balloon