Heute mal kein Spiel. #DeluxePaint als Urvater von Photoshop war auch meine erste Berührung mit digitalen Bildern. Das Cover ist mittlerweile eine Ikone und steht so gut kaum anderes für die grafischen Leistungen des #Amiga damals und heute.
Heute mal kein Spiel. #DeluxePaint als Urvater von Photoshop war auch meine erste Berührung mit digitalen Bildern. Das Cover ist mittlerweile eine Ikone und steht so gut kaum anderes für die grafischen Leistungen des #Amiga damals und heute.
Les fans de #retrocomputing connaissent l’odeur du Rifa qui lâche, mais celui-ci avait un autre usage…
Il m’a abandonné sur une galette des rois en janvier, mais c’est reparti pour quelques décennies !
Un petit retrobright serait bienvenu.
I was yesterdays years old when I learned that the Atari 7800 wasn't just a rehash of the Atari 400/800/5200 or the Atari 2600, but had some novel innovations that are actually quite interesting for a machine of its age. #retrogaming #retrocomputing The Maria chip seems quite interesting.
Also replaced the missing lid lock buttons with 3D printed ones.
Now I don't have to use a pen to unlock the lid
Told ya I knew how it went back together
And it actually still works!
No more half broken lid hinges.
@wendynather SPARC workstations caused some serious trauma! I wonder if therapists specialize in that…
Seriously, though, I do have dreams like that sometimes. Can’t move. Can’t scream. Can’t stop. Thankfully I have a decent dose of other ones to make up for them.
I have the weirdest dreams
In today's episode of IHaveTheWeirdestDreams, I was visiting my grandparents and happened to notice that their neighbour across the street was throwing away an old computer, putting it out next to the recycling.
So I walked over and asked the neighbour if I could take it, he said sure, and so I brought it home with me. It was a late 90's HP tower, and since my testbench doesn't have a PC yet, I figured it would make a good addition.
I brought it home (and for some reason, "home" in this case was my childhood home and not the condo I currently live in), set it up on the floor of my bedroom, and powered it up. I didn't plug in a monitor or any accessories, just the tower, to see if anything would happen at all. The fan spun up and the power and HDD lights came on. So far, so good.
And then it burst into flames. Blue flames.
I unplugged the flaming PC from the wall, yet for some reason it still had power. Fortunately the flames were only internal, but occasionally a small flame would appear through the edges of the power button or CD and floppy drives.
In my infinite wisdom I decided the best course of action was to run to the kitchen, grab a set of oven mitts, return to the bedroom, and carefully carry the flaming PC out into the yard, where I could then douse it with a hose, putting the fire out.
Once the fire was out I removed the side panel and observed the charred motherboard and expansion cards inside.
And then, for some reason, I went into the basement, grabbed a frozen turkey out of the freezer, and threw it at the computer.
That's when I woke up.
Yesterday we test a program for #symbos - a #amstrad #cpc ioerating system - a program for transfering programms to a cassette.
While continuing to Part 2/2 of my IBM PC AT restoration, I had some troubles setting up the ST-4026 hard drive -- due my own mistake!
#RetroComputing #VintageComputing https://youtu.be/YFtMMqMZElY?si=WLbkskKh8_VmqKi0
STORAGE is a Medley Interlisp tool that shows a bar chart of the amount of storage allocated to each Lisp data type. The black part of a bar represents the number of items or pages currently in use, the gray part the number of free items or pages.
A full playthrough of Glider for Apple II. Don't watch if you plan on playing, otherwise you wouldn't have the surprises!
From a series of tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
More Bubble Bobble fan art:
Some high-res images from this series are available here…
Grammar Writer's Workbench is a graphical platform in Interlisp for linguistic and algorithmic research within the Lexical Functional Grammar theoretical framework. In this 1982 videotape its co-creator Ron Kaplan demonstrates using the system to parse and analyze English sentences.
The manual of the system:
We are working to make Grammar Writer's Workbench available again on Medley.
From a series of voxel art tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
As there were no voxel editors yet, I made them by extruding polygons in 3ds Max.
Some high-res images from this series are available here…
Glider for Apple II's first beta release is available at https://www.colino.net/wordpress/glider-for-apple-ii/
I hope you'll enjoy it, and be sure to report issues if you find some!
forsale xbox melbourne
Original #xbox and a pile of games, $100
#forsale #retrocomputing (retro enough I reckon). SE Melbourne
Azrael's Tear? More like Azrael's Screen Tear! Nah it's fine, I just have trouble trying to get a consistent speed! (also a little bit of F.Godmom to warm up) Streaming now! https://twitch.tv/sonneveld #DOSGaming #Twitch #Streaming #Retrogaming #retro #Retrocomputing #DOS #MSDOS
New on Lectronz: Amiga 500 2000 3000 4000 RGB S-Video CVBS cable https://lectronz.com/products/amiga-500-2000-3000-4000-rgb-s-video-cvbs-cable
#Gaming #Retrocomputing
New on Lectronz: AMYRGB2SCART - An RGB cable for Commodore Amiga https://lectronz.com/products/amyrgb2scart-an-rgb-cable-for-commodore-amiga
#Gaming #Retrocomputing