For 20 days, post one of your favourite Star Trek quotes in no particular order.
Day 1
“Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.”
(Picard "The Inner Light", TNG S5/E25)
For 20 days, post one of your favourite Star Trek quotes in no particular order.
Day 1
“Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.”
(Picard "The Inner Light", TNG S5/E25)
1. Lovely chilled day reading and pottering about trees and stony beaches with Fester.
2. Started a new "Post 20 Favourites" thing, this time Star Trek quotes!
3. Star Trek generally!
Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture Novel Shows a Very Different Vision of the Trek Universe
Knitting, Lower Decks, and the house to myself for the day. Bliss!
Asking for a #Trekkie friend:
They are trying to track down some #StarTrek TNG BlueRay extras. Apparently there are a few missing from the torrents.
Is there a good place/community for this kind of Star Trek fan deep lore/archiving/research? Maybe a Discord or reddit or forum or other online community?
Star Trek & Sci-Fi Fans aufgepasst! Unser monatliches TrekDinner bringt Trekkies und Neulinge zusammen.
Komm an Bord und erlebe einen geselligen Abend!
I'm from #Ayrshire, #Scotland.
I'm a #ModelBuilder, mainly ships from #StarTrek
Married to @martin #LGBTQIA #LGBWithTheT
#Cat named Maya.
#Anxiety #Trekkie #IDIC
#TV: #StarTrek #DoctorWho #Stargate #BSG #Supernatural
#Politics: #Green #SNP #ScottishIndependence.
What is your favorite Garak quote?
"Well it's just that lately I've noticed everyone seems to trust me. It's quite unnerving."
Meet Andrew Robinson at Trek Long Island! Buy your Tickets early at
As much as I love Star Trek, every time I hear one of the characters say they want to maybe try using a “recursive algorithm“ to solve some sci-fi problem, like reconstructing a damaged database or decrypting some super-secret alien message, or reinitializing a whole bunch of warp thingies in just the right sequence or whatever, I physically cringe every single time.
"I Want To Be a Part of It": William Shatner Wants To Return to Star Trek #startrek #trekkie #scifi #startrekdiscovery #spock #startrektng #startrektos
I Respect Star Trek: Section 31's Boldest Decision, But I Don't Think It Paid Off #startrek #trekkie #scifi #startrekdiscovery #spock #startrektng #startrektos
What if Afro-futurism Star Trek instead?
(As cool as that would be, I don't need the Star Trek part, personally.)
If you don't have a Nebula sub (yet?), *and* you've used your free intro video, then you can usually use a VPN to watch it.
But please do sub to Nebula if you can. Pick a video creator you like and search "Nebula code" plus their name. You'll probably find one.
Critics and fans have not been kind to Section 31. #startrek #trekkie #scifi #startrekdiscovery #spock #startrektng #startrektos
Walking around Capricon as Deanna Troi today!! If you see me come say hi!
Costume made and patterned by me
“Who Am I To Question Science?”: Benedict Cumberbatch Recalls The Elaborate Prank On Him During The Filming Of Star Trek Into Darkness #startrek #trekkie #scifi #startrekdiscovery #spock #startrektng #startrektos
Video description:
“Section 31: the shadowy Starfleet division that asks, 'What if the Prime Directive had a 'just kidding' clause?' This movie boldly goes where it probably shouldn't have gone at all.”
Tonight on Insomniac Apothecary, we're shouting into the void in hopes of reaching the right audience. So here goes:
#Wicca #Wiccan #Witchcraft #Queer
#RadicallyInclusive #Nonbinary #Polyamorous #Kinky #ActuallyADHD #ActuallyAutistic #BipolarDisorder #Trekkie #SoSayWeAll #MayTheForceBeWithYou #LiveLongAndProsper #LLAP
A new "Star Trek" feature film will land on Paramount+ on Jan. 24. The franchise's first straight-to-streaming movie is a spin-off from "Star Trek: Discovery," starring Michelle Yeoh. To celebrate, @RollingStone has ranked every film from the franchise. Which do you think came out on top? Disclaimer: The magazine's chief TV critic Alan Sepinwall describes the list as "highly illogical, entirely emotional." After you''ve voted, check the top four in the article and tell us in the comments what you think.