Der Cubatino, der unser Mitglied Walter nach der Vorlage von nachgebaut hat, in Action!
#3ddruck #diyprojects #rubikscube #maker #fablab
Der Cubatino, der unser Mitglied Walter nach der Vorlage von nachgebaut hat, in Action!
#3ddruck #diyprojects #rubikscube #maker #fablab
I'd like to share my 3D-models but I want to avoid companies and having an account with them. Is there some way to do this? That is maybe even compatible with the Fediverse?
SparkFun übernimmt Teensy Produktion und Vertrieb
Das beliebte Teensy-Prozessorboard wird zukünftig von SparkFun hergestellt und vertrieben. Damit soll die Zukunft des Teensy-Ökosystems gesichert werden.
If anyone wants to have a go at 3D Printing him, my Star Wars Pit Droid is now live on #printables ! (I would appreciate a boost if you can spare it ) :)
Just ordered parts for a very (very) old project of mine. I started this well over a decade ago to support a platform of different display types for clocks (my time nut phase.) It's unfortunately large to fit that format I had before. Moved from a PIC18 to an ESP32-S2-Mini and hoping to get back to my Nixie Tube Clock project. (Don't bother to google as never published it).
Today, I played around with some tiny copper elements. Hammered them, pierced them, arranged them with glass beads. Will make them into earrings probably #CreativeToots #metalwork #craft #maker #makershour #copper #handmade
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #Printable #STLfile #resinprinting #opensource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband #maker #makers #social #socialmedia
Over a month of development went into this little guy! Can’t wait to share him with the world this weekend! #StarWars #Droid #PitDroid #Scifi #3dprinting #3dprinted #maker
Worked on these two during today’s build #stream. Really like how they turned out. #puppets #puppetbuilding #maker
Pixels and Puppets is Live on #Owncast!
Puppets! Chill crafty hangoutage on the build stream.
The Ultimate #AI Combo Just Dropped!
ArmSoM AIM7 & AIMIO (RK3588): Benchmarks & #DeepSeek in Action
Where/How can I get a bespoke industrial metal serial number nameplate for a prop? I’m talking about something that looks like this.
I don’t want to go online and buy one, because I’d have to buy 100, and I want exactly one.
I do have a 200W cnc, which might work. I’ve never tried to with aluminum engraving, but I guess might work.
I have no idea how you would color these things though.
@cults3d #3DPrinting #3DPrinter #STLfile #resin #anycubic #pinterest #OpenSource #etsy #etsyshop #mastodon #mastodonart #mastodonband #maker #makers #social #socialmedia
Das erste Poster für die #Steckersolar Upcycling Workshops in #Freiburg, #Denzlingen, #Hohebuch, #Karlsruhe, #Bodman hängt im #Freilab.
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MakerTalk vom 14.03.2025:
Walter hat mit einem Raspberry Pi, Servomotoren, 3d Druck und einigen Elektronikbauteilen eine Maschine nachgebaut, welche vollautonom einen Rubik’s Cube lösen kann. Er berichtet über seine Erfahrungen bei der Realisierung dieses Projektes.
Der fertige Rubik’s- Cube Solver ist selbstverständlich vor Ort und zeigt, was er kann!
Ort: im FabLab Winti
Zeit: Türöffnung 18h, Talk 18:30h
Nach dem Talk wartet ein feiner Apéro auf dich.
#PhotoOfTheDay is something different - one of my tidier blacksmithing creations, a table knife that started off as a piece of a very rusty spring or something, that I found on the side of a road.
Intro 4/10
After my Minecraft Torch paper circuit project, I wanted to invent a circuit that is playful, yet easy to make. The result was this RGB Cube that is controlled by a touch-sensitive paper surface. If you use velostat, a pressure-sensitive variable resistor, you can easily mix any color by varying the amount of pressure. More: