If you have to ask, the answer is #LinuxMint
Joining the #European #propaganda team. Here you go: a short guide on how to become a digitally sovereign European citizen.
Die Folien für den Linux-Mint-Kurs nehmen langsam Gestalt an :-)
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I have an external SSD that I want to password (or PIN) protect in a way that allows me to simply use it with both Linux and Apple devices (MacOS and iPadOS). The data on it will be private, but not high security stuff.
Any recommendations? #privacy #infosec #Linux #LinuxMint
Does anyone know if there will be a new release of LMDE when Debian Trixie releases? Is this even in the works?
Newbie dipping toes into the Linux universe. :-D woot-woot!
I was Today years old, when I finally dug deep enough into the systemd rat's nest, to learn that it creates a directory in /var/log/journal based on the Machine ID, located in /etc/machine-id. and, judging by the last time each directory on my system was touched, a new machine-id is generated each time you do a distro upgrade. and no effort is made to clean up the old logs.
edit: the plot thickens. I was Today years old when I also learned that machine-id should be static, ie it shouldn't change if you're doing a distro upgrade.
furthermore, crawling through my / partition, I discover that, while the kernal removal tool does indeed remove kernels... if you're using bleeding edge for hardware support, it leaves behind hwe-tools.
I've already got several other bug reports to give the Linux Mint team so it's time to get off my lazy tail and finally make a GitHub account.
#Upcycling cum #UnplugTrump: Aus einer Laune heraus mein #MacBookPro 2012 hervorgezerrt. Es läuft noch unter OS X High Sierra, aber langsam, ohne zahlreiche Dienste & Features der modernen Versionen. Also mal eben schnell was zu #LinuxMint gelesen, am Mac Studio einen Stick "gebrannt" und installiert. #Vivaldi und @1password obendrauf, AirPrint-Laser ungefragt erkannt. Nach 1h ein flott laufendes Büro-Laptop mit Anbindung an die Schul-#Nextcloud. Bin wirklich erstaunt! #FediLZ
My laptop broke yesterday afternoon. Just totally frozen. On reboot it didn't recognise half the hardware (no WiFi or mouse/track pad). Marvellous.
Now managed to make a fresh install of Linux Mint 22.1. All seems good except a screen brightness issue I can't seem to solve (it's stuck way too bright for my liking and can find no way to reduce it. No brightness slider anywhere). Might be a driver issue? Don't know how to fix that.
j'aurais volontie'rs testé #openjardin. Mais pour openjardin, les librairies de la version récente (QuickJardin) ou un peu plus ancienne, ne sont pas toutes compatibles avec ma #LinuxMint Debian. Des idées pour trouver une solution (genre appimage) ou une solution alternative libre?
https://sourceforge.net/projects/openjardin/ #jardinage #permaculture #semis
NEWS-VIDEO: "New Mint Start Menu, More Trouble for Mozilla, Fedora 42 coming soon | Linux News"
NEUES NEWS-VIDEO: "Neues Mint Startmenü! - Statement von Mozilla-Mitarbeiter - Debian auf Smartphones? | Linux News"
Ein neuer Laptop, er hat mich bei eBay mit Versand EURO 180,- gekostet. Es ist ein Lenovo ThinkPad X260 mit 16GB RAM und 512GB SSD und einem i7 Prozessp. Linux mint habe ich gerade installiert und es funktioniert super, dafür dass der Rechner von 2016 ist.
#thinkpad #linux #linuxmint
@a132 @adam_wysokinski #OpenSUSE is a classic, but these days I'd suggest #LinuxMint (Ireland), #EndeavourOS (Netherlands), and #CachyOS (Germany).
Also, the DistroWatch.com search page lets you filter by country: https://distrowatch.com/search.php#advanced