Learning #Go:
"defer"? Why would I need that?
Then using "defer" in the literally first file I wrote
Learning #Go:
"defer"? Why would I need that?
Then using "defer" in the literally first file I wrote
➤ Go 語言中的聯合類型及其在 JSON 解碼中的應用
✤ https://nicolashery.com/decoding-json-sum-types-in-go/
在這篇文章中,尼古拉斯·埃裏(Nicolas Hery)探討瞭如何在 Go 中解碼 JSON 的聯合類型以避免運行時恐慌,並介紹了聯合類型的重要性和用法。
+ 這篇文章對於想要深入瞭解 Go 語言中 JSON 解碼技術的讀者來說非常有價值。
+ 作者對聯合類型和 Go 語言的融合方式進行了清晰而深入的探討,使讀者更容易理解相關概念。
#Go 程式語言 #JSON 解碼 #聯合類型
Why learn #Go when you can just spend your life decoding #JSON #sum #types with a side of panic?
https://nicolashery.com/decoding-json-sum-types-in-go/ #Programming #Panic #Coding #Humor #HackerNews #ngated
Decoding JSON sum types in Go without panicking
The Defer Technical Specification: It Is Time
I'm thinking about starting a Go club. The nearest official one is 3 hours away in Louisville. This would start as just a little get together to learn and play, but if people are interested we could make it official signing up with the AGA and figuring out a proper meeting location instead of just "the park". We'll see, I own two go boards myself.
> Modern languages are not using the zero-character to terminate strings, but C does it a lot.
This is NOT true. Why is everybody confusing C (the language) with the C Standard Library? The C language doesn't know anything about terminating strings with a zero character (0x00) byte. What you referring to is the C Standard Library, not C the language.
Creator of Ghostty talks #Zig over #Go and #Rust — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQnz7L6x068
This week on the pod the Internet blows up as TypeScript reaches its next Pokemon GO evolution, and Kamran and Erik scramble to make sense of it. In other news, Lynx, Angular upgrades, and create-typescript-app.
Microsoft is rewriting TypeScript with Go to boost performance, speed up build times, and improve scalability!
#Go Hasegawa https://ift.tt/koWUhM4 | posted by afasia | daily entries on contemporary art and architecture #afasiaarchzine #afasiaarq |
#architecture #arquitectura #design
Villa beside a Lake . Hamamatsu Go Hasegawa and Associates . photos: © Go …
@devsimsek Definitely they have, it's just with quarter of the century of experience over my neck... #Go doesn't feel right. And I tried C# in my career as well. We both agree this is very personal view, however.
Just published a new blog comparing Rust and Go from my perspective.
After months of working with both, I've found that Go feels like it was designed to be learned in a weekend, while Rust demands your respect and attention.
Which would you choose to learn first?
Check out my full thoughts here: **https://smsk.dev/2025/03/16/rust-vs-go-a-tale-of-two-systems-languages/**
Why not Rust?
I recently listened to Anders Hejlsberg’s interview on porting TypeScript to Go. So many fascinating insights!
The choice came down to automatic garbage collection: TypeScript relies on it, and Go provides it. Rust, with its strict ownership model and lack of built-in GC, struggled with TypeScript’s heavy use of cyclic data structures, making Go the better fit.
I invite everyone to listen to the interview.
Share of programming languages used by #GTK3 / #GTK4 applications (2025-03-16):
28% #Python
21% #Vala
20% #Rust
17% #C
06% #C++ #Cplusplus
06% #gjs #Javascript
04% Other: #Csharp #Go #Lua #Haskell #Swift #Typescript #Crystal #Swift #D #Perl
63% use GTK4 (90% of them use #libadwaita), while still 37% use GTK3
Method: Source [1] lists 543 awesome #gtk (3/4) #opensource applications and their #programminglanguage
[1] https://github.com/valpackett/awesome-gtk
Attacker Copied GitHub Project, Added Fake Stars and Malicious Code https://lobste.rs/s/zbydaa #go #security
This was such a great read
"I’ll put my own take on what Go’s error handling should have been like in here since it’s my blog post and you cannot stop me."
Decoding JSON sum types in Go without panicking https://lobste.rs/s/ne5f9a #go