The REAL Cost of Fashion
@drewthewho made a video that made me proud of my wife engagement in #fiberarts
Mais projeto terminando enquanto via a novela da noite.
#Crochet #crochetart #crocheting #crochetando #crochetbaby #crochebebe
I'm pleased to announce that the winner of the current #CazimodoCrochet competition is : (*drumroll*)
Well done!
I will be in touch soon to arrange details.
If you missed out this time, don't worry. There will be another competition in a couple of months and you can enter again
#Competition #Crochet #Crocheting #Toys #Toy #ToyMaking #FibreCraft #FibreArt @crochet
I have been crocheting this blanket for over a year. It's my ugly blanket full of any yarn that I can collect from friends or second-hand stores! The only reason it's taking me so long is because I keep falling asleep after every few rows that I crochet
Crocheted Grinch and his dog I recently made. I wanted to get it finished before Christmas but it didn’t happen. 2.5 mm hook and PaintBox cotton arran yarn.
Just a wee reminder that there's only a few days left of the #CazimodoCrochet competition with the draw taking place next Friday, the 28th. So, if you would like to have a chance to win a free custom made crochet toy, with free postage to wherever you live, make sure to get your entry in before then. To recap:
1. You need to be one of my followers
2. Post a photo of what you would like me to make for you with the hashtags #CazimodoCrochet so I can find it. It can be anything you want, as long as it's a single object.
3. I will announce the winner, drawn at random, on the 28th of February.
This message brought to you by my wee pal Flint, the Crochet Caveman
#Competition #Crochet #Crocheting #Toy #Toys #ToyMaking #FibreArt #FibreCrafts @crochet