I'm taking some time to step back and recharge again.
I'll be offline for the rest of today and likely most of tomorrow.
Yes, I'm an Anarcho-syndicalist, bisexual, gender-fluid individual
I'm taking some time to step back and recharge again.
I'll be offline for the rest of today and likely most of tomorrow.
Yes, I'm an Anarcho-syndicalist, bisexual, gender-fluid individual
Hey #Fediverse fam, it's #FollowFriday!
I'm an Anarcho-syndicalist, bisexual, gender-fluid, and just doing my thing over here.
I have interests in privacy, security, Signal, Bandcamp, Buddhism, Psychedelics, decentralization, Debian, GrapheneOS, QubesOS, PeerTube, FreeTube, RSS, and much more.
If you like what you see, feel free to follow me across the fediverse:
- Pixelfed: @midtsveen@pixelfed.social
- Mastodon: @midtsveen
I still wouldn't say I'm "an" anarchist, in the same way I don't say I'm "a" socialist, but these are ideas I can agree with.
I do think I might be an intuitive #anarchosyndicalist, though. I read about that and think: Yes. That's it. That's the thing I want. Workers form self-governing collectives that own the means of production. This is just obviously the way it should be, IMO.
Hi Anarchist's of Mastodon!
I will ask you the same question I asked the LGBTQIA+ community!
Where do you guys shop for flags and accessories? I’m from Bergen, Norway, and I’m looking for some great online stores to check out
I'm an Anarcho-syndicalist, gender-fluid individual
I know about Redbubble, but I’m having some issues with my card over there atm
Any recommendations would be super helpful!
Is water wet?
Yes, I'm an Anarcho-syndicalist, gender-fluid autistic individual.
No, I will not be taking questions at this time!
After spending what felt like forever deciding, I’ve finally settled on my two new profile pictures for the #Fediverse!
I'm keeping my current one for Mastodon, as it vibes perfectly with my anarcho-syndicalist banner and posts.
For Pixelfed, I chose a profile picture that reflects the fluidity of my identity, celebrating every shade of who I am while embracing my journey.
Excited to keep expressing myself authentically across these spaces!
I deleted & re-drafted my post about my personal website.
Yes, I added a pronouns section!
I'm really happy with how it turned out. It reflects my passions and everything I care about.
You can take a look and share your thoughts!
Yes, yet again, I updated my Pixelfed portfolio!
"Constant tutelage of our acting and thinking has made us weak and irresponsible; hence, the continued cry for the strong man who is to put an end to our distress. This call for a dictator is not a sign of strength, but a proof of inner lack of assurance and of weakness, even though those who utter it earnestly try to give themselves the appearance of resolution."
— Rudolf Rocker
"We have come more and more under the dominance of mechanics and sacrificed living humanity to the dead rhythm of the machine without most of us even being conscious of the monstrosity of the procedure. Hence we frequently deal with such matters with indifference and in cold blood as if we handled dead things and not the destinies of men."
— Rudolf Rocker
“From the daily battles against the employers and their allies, the workers gradually learn the deeper meaning of this struggle. At first they pursue only the immediate purpose of improving the status of the producers within the existing social order, but gradually they lay bare the root of the evil—monopoly economy and its political and social accompaniments. For the attainment of such an understanding the everyday struggles are better educative material than the finest theoretical discussions. Nothing can so impress the mind and soul of the worker as this enduring battle for daily bread, nothing makes him so receptive to the teachings of Socialism as the incessant struggle for the necessities of life.”
― Rudolf Rocker, Anarcho-syndicalism : Theory and Practice
Capitalism has held me back long enough; it's time to stand by my authentic self. As an anarcho-syndicalist, I need to take action. I've just emailed to apply for membership at @nsf_iaa
Read more about them here:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norsk_Syndikalistisk_Forbund
- https://www.nsf-iaa.org/
Many may not be familiar with Hipforums, but I have occasionally used it, and all my writings on Anarcho-Syndicalism are now available there.
Hipforums is a forum where discussions cover a variety of topics, including politics, nature, social issues, alternative lifestyles, arts and culture, travel, health and wellness, relationships, spirituality, philosophy, music, and way more.
Here’s the link to my discussion:
- Why I Identify as an Anarcho-Syndicalist: https://www.hipforums.com/forum/threads/why-i-identify-as-an-anarcho-syndicalist.522725/
"Power operates only destructively, bent always on forcing every manifestation of life into the straitjacket of its laws. Its intellectual form of expression is dead dogma, its physical form brute force."
— Rudolf Rocker
What is Anarcho-Syndicalism? | Social Strike Edition | Polandball/Countryball Politics
YouTube: CallMeEzekiel