Blue sky
Sooooo many things wrong with it, even now, before investors start seeking deep profits:
This has been going on for weeks
Surely, someone's got a page with a running list of the status of every judicial decision that #BigHands has ignored?
Textbook fascism, plus at one point he claimed that he and the AG were the only ones allowed to interpret laws regarding the executive.
Come on, Americans! Get it yet?
Kommt am Donnerstag, den 27. März 2025, um 19 Uhr ins GSH in Pinneberg, um spannende Analysen und Einblicke zu erhalten, Fragen zu stellen und zu diskutieren!
#Fuckwump is the most mean-spirited person in the US of A
Wenn ihr für irgendwas paar Tage in eine andere Stadt fahrt, checkt die Versammlungsseiten. Vielleicht ist ja die #antifa da und ihr könnt spontan und ungezwungen nebenbei stabile Leute kennenlernen.
Ohne Ticket, ohne Reservierung, mit Demogeld (wisst ja, gibt das Doppelte weil ihr nicht am Wohnort demonstriert).
More of the same, with a bonus fuck you to Fred Durst for his support of Putin, fascism, and terrible fucking music.
#antifa #fuckfascism #Trump #ElonMusk #Putin IsAWarCriminal #PutinWarCriminal #insurrectionists #Jan6 #FredDurst
Teilen-Teilen-Teilen bitte !
#nonazis #fcknzs #fckafd #noAfD #antifa #antifaschismus #demo #demonstration #gegenrechts #demokratie #Demokratieverteidigen #demokraten #zukunft #politik #demonstrationen #aufstehen #kultur #retten #demokratieretten #bundestagswahl #stuttgart #BadenWurttemberg #heimat #land
My iPad died some time ago, so I can't make these anymore, but I am trying to recover the ones I have... and inflicting them on you! Enjoy!
Or don't, I'm not your boss.
*marked as sensitive because of the dead fascists. I mean, fuck those guys? but that doesn't mean you should have to see it. It isn't particularly gruesome, but it ain't pleasant, either.
#antifa #fuckfascism #Trump #ElonMusk #Putin IsAWarCriminal #PutinWarCriminal
@crazyeddie @FrancoisPrague @georgetakei
And 54% of adult Americans read at the grade 6 level and below
So literacy is low, but also the critical thinking levels that require deeper literacy
Thanks Reagan
#Germany Bremen
➣ Antifascism
"Today we stand for freedom and life, for a world without fascism and oppression."
"Today we stand for freedom and life, for a world without fascism and oppression. If they want to take away our freedom for that, then let them do it. History will absolve us."
- Antifascists from the Budapest complex
Every year on February 8, the so-called "Day of Honor" takes place in Budapest. A Nazi parade commemorating the Waffen SS.
Because the filthy Hitler supporters are allowed to march there without any concerns, at least a few of them got a good beating in 2023. Since the authorities were once again very motivated in their search for the Antifa, a few of them have already been caught by the cops. After two years in hiding, seven more decided to surrender to the authorities. On January 20, 2025, two comrades also surrendered here in Bremen.
Maja, one of the accused, has already been illegally extradited to the right-wing authoritarian state of Hungary. She faces up to 24(!) years in prison under conditions resembling torture. It is unclear what awaits the others.
It was and still is clear to us that it had to be a big bang! That's why we made a bit of noise with a fiery spontaneous event in the Bremen district on the evening of March 5th.
We won't rest until we get you back. The cops, authorities, and Nazis must continue to feel our hatred and our power.
We will see each other again in freedom.
Love & strength in the underground & prison! <3
Antifa remains militant & necessary, Nazis get a beating"
Reposting from Blue Sky user
Recommended free course for today:
Collaboration and Resistance in World War II - Open Yale Courses
#VOA has been shut down
fortunately, the rest of the world no longer wishes to hear what the US has to say
imagine wanting to #Luigi a Democratic senator . . . can it be that the senator is a collaborator, the kind we hang after we win the war?
Ahir a Vallcarca ens vam manifestar contra el Nacional-Catolicisme i contra el feixisme espanyolista d'extrema-dreta que la esglèsia católica promou a #Barcelona.
Els feixistes eren fortament protegits pels Mossos d'Esquadra (tots coneixem la debilitat de la poli amb els nazis).
Aquest mossén merdós té els dies comptats a #Vallcarca
Fora feixistes del nostre barri!
L'única esglèsia que il•lumina és la que crema!
In the process of downloading the National Archives' youtube channel - 2914 videos. You know the fascists will start deleting these. I will have a shiny new torrent! #datahoarder #datapreservation #preservation #uspol #usgovernment #data #DataRescue #torrent #antifa #resistance #resist