An interesting piece here on difference between human and other species' #cultural complexity, highlighting the aspect of #diversity.
True enough, but this is not dealing with the #symbolic, the shared #imaginary. Humans share their dreams about things that don't exist. Crows, chimps, elephants, whales, they don't.
Try Rainbow Snakes, for instance. Instead of being diverse, they are astoundingly similar around the world. Come and and hear our talk with Ivan Tacey on Tuesday for more on that.
An #Imaginary #Number is defined as a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit "i", where "i" is the square root of -1.
These numbers expand the number system, allowing for solutions to equations that are impossible within the realm of real numbers alone.
A #Fascinating #Illustration of Why We Need #Imaginary #Numbers : Medium
#Woman in #Cancer #Remission for record 19 years after #CAR-T #Immune #Treatment : Nature
A whole new #World of tiny beings challenges fundamental ideas of #Life : New Sci
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
That took too long!
#CorruptGOP speak:
1. Solution: #Russian victory
2. Pause: #termination. In some cases #extortion
3. Checks and balances: #imaginary terms
4. Peace: see point 1 above
#AidingAndAbettingTheEnemy #RussianAgent
#impeach #TraitorGOP #TraitorMAGA
This is a whimsical mini print of a couple of Snowflake Beetles a widely unknown, quite possibly, completely #imaginary creature. These miniscule #insects are camouflaged to match their environment, fresh fallen snow. Each of their hexagonal shields (the elytra) are disguished as snowflakes. Through an extraordinary instance of biomimicry, each pattern is as unique; it is believed that no 2 Snowflake #Beetles are the same.*
#linocut #printmaking #snowflake
As we approach the Year of the Snake, has me thinking back to this print.
Some believe that the chrysanthemum snake is imaginary. Who am I to say?
While other snakes are known to use scale roughness to aid in camouflage, give a bristly appearance, to produce “eyelash” fringes or even tentacles on their snouts, the cryptic chrysanthemum snake (also known as the daisy snake) is the only known snake with
#imaginary #linocut #printmaking #compositeCreature #snake #MastoArt #YearOfTheSnake
#imaginary : existing only in imagination or fancy
- French: imaginaire
- German: eingebildet, erfunden
- Italian: immaginario
- Portuguese: imaginário
- Spanish: imaginario
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
James Baldwin, 1987:
creates the situation,
and, then, the situation
creates imagination.
It may, of course,
be the other way around:
Columbus was discovered
by what he found.
Franco Berardi, 2010:
"Radical imagination today essentially means imagination free from the blackmail of the economy, free from the epistemological domination of economics." --Franco Berardi, 2010 #imaginary #othernetworks
"Radical imagination today essentially means imagination free from the blackmail of the economy, free from the epistemological domination of economics." --Franco Berardi, 2010 #imaginary #othernetworks
How Did You Find Out That Santa Isn’t Real?
#CriticalQuestions #Quiz #PubQuiz #Santa #FatherChristmas #Christmas #Real #Imaginary #StayHome #StaySafe #StayHomeStaySafe
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump’s #imaginary and #frightening #world.
His extreme #caricatures serve as another way for Trump to traffic in #lies (#Disinformation) and #misinformation, using an #alternatereality of his own making to create an often #terrifying — and, he seems to #hope — #politically #devastating #landscape for his #political #opponents.
Imaginary (2024) (4K Ultra HD Steelbook) Available October 1
#horror – #horrormovies – #Imaginary – #LionsgateHomeEntertainment – @Lionsgate – An original horror story that taps into the innocence of imaginary friends – and begs the question: Are they really figments of childhood imagination or is something more terrifying lying just beneath? STARRING: DeWanda Wise, Taegun Burns …
#horror #ad #Releases #Imaginary
Happy birthday to #philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) who, amongst other things speculated about a teapot orbiting in space. This lino block print of Russell's Teapot is part of my series of Imaginary Friends of Science of charismatic thought experiments. In this case, the alledged china teapot, in orbit between Earth & Mars is an analogy by the philosopher to make the case that the philosophic burden of proof
#linocut #printmaking #SciArt #MastoArt #philosophy #skepticism #Imaginary
My mandriltee for #MerMay! Some believe that the mandriltee is imaginary. Who am I to say?
Though it appears to be rotund, short-armed mermaid with strange facial markings, the mandriltee is neither fish nor primate & certainly not the composite creature of myth. Their name, however, is inspired by their unlikely ressemblance to the mandrill, & they are of the order Sirenia (which comes from the word siren, another name
Saw the #imaginary #movie,
It was good.
I added a 3rd colour & finished my very small edition of hand-printed aluminum foil lithographic prints of a wolpertinger, a composite creature from German folklore. A mythical deer-hare hybrid, something like a jackalope, often described as a fanged hare with antlers, bird parts (like wings or feet or even beaks) & other small mammal parts like those from a fox, pine marten or, as in this case, a squirrel body.
Petrified wood 3
#fantasy #artofmastodon #art #wood #nature #rocks #imaginary