Stop feeling stuck & overwhelmed—get a clear plan, focus, and make it happen!
It’s all about focus, eliminating distractions, and taking actionable steps. Learn how to achieve more in 1 month than most do in 12!
The reason why I don't like open-plan offices and love working from home. The DnD mode is much more effective.
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John Reidar Holmes - In the Palace of Joy - BANDCAMP EXCLUSIVE
"A four track EP of relaxed and contemplative ambient bordering on longform"
Success is all about focus, not multitasking. Learn how to crush your goals in just 30 days!
Complete awareness begins with complete concentration. But in a world filled with distractions, how do we stay present? #Zen #Meditation #Mindfulness #PureAwareness #PresentMoment #Stillness #Spirituality #Nonduality #DharmaTalk #Consciousness #Focus #InnerPeace
Want to crush your goals in 30 days? Watch how to go from procrastination to unstoppable progress!
Pre Workout Supplements Influence on Muscle Gain
Understanding these points is important because it helps you make smart choices about why and how you use pre-workout supplements for muscle gain. Wednesday preview: UK CPI, geopolitics in focus #america #Category:All #Category:CompanyNews #Category:CompanyNewsPreview #Category:Sectorial:ConsumerDurables #CPI #focus #geopolitics #mostread_company_news #Politics #preview #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #UnitedStatesPolitics #US #USPolitics #USA #UsaPolitics #wednesday
#Focus Online berichtete am 19.November 2017 über Norbert #Blüm, der sich damals zur Haltung der #CDU hinsichtlich #Familiennachzug kritisch äusserte
"Wenn der Familiennachzug ausgerechnet an der CDU scheitert, wünsche ich jedem Redner der Partei, dass ihm fortan das Wort im Hals stecken bleibt, wenn er die hehren Werte der Familie beschwört.“
(Aber vielleicht scheitert es ja diesmal an der #SPD ...)
My latest post for OWC focuses on a recent experiment in using a solid desktop background color in lieu of a desktop wallpaper image: #focus #macOS #desktop #productivity #wallpaper
Bloom and grow this Spring with the help of our Gemstone Flowers. Available in five beautiful varieties, they can help you remain calm and focused, feel protected and loved, or find balance, with each mineral focusing on a different energy.
#Beginnings #Growth #Calm #Focus #Love #Protection #Balance #Crystal #Mineral #Gemstone #Magick
Window snapping and tiling is a new way to quickly organize your Mac desktop. It lets you throw the two apps you’re working on side by side, tiled in halves, quarters or a mix, so you can focus on them.
#apple #macos #window #snapping #tiling #focus
''Çoğu insan zamanının %80’ini geçmişteki sorunlarla harcıyor ve yalnızca %20’sini geleceğin fırsatlarıyla ilgileniyor...''