23andMe:n asiakastiedot myytiin eteenpäin! Viranomaiset varoittivat firman mahdollisesta kaatumisesta. Onko yrityksesi turvassa? #DNA #Tietosuoja #23andMe
Lisätietoja: https://ift.tt/fIKU5cm #byAI

23andMe:n asiakastiedot myytiin eteenpäin! Viranomaiset varoittivat firman mahdollisesta kaatumisesta. Onko yrityksesi turvassa? #DNA #Tietosuoja #23andMe
Lisätietoja: https://ift.tt/fIKU5cm #byAI
Demain Nous Appartient du 28 mars : qui s’en prend à Soraya ? (résumé + vidéo épisode 1910 en avance) https://www.stars-actu.fr/2025/03/demain-nous-appartient-du-28-mars-qui-sen-prend-a-soraya-resume-video-episode-1910-en-avance/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #TéléMédias #Demainnousappartient #DNA
"This week, the genetic testing company 23andMe filed for bankruptcy, which means the genetic data the company collected on millions of users is now up for sale. If you do not want your data included in any potential sale, it’s a good time to ask the company to delete it.
When the company first announced it was considering a sale, we highlighted many of the potential issues, including selling that data to companies with poor security practices or direct links to law enforcement. With this bankruptcy, the concerns we expressed last year remain the same. It is unclear what will happen with your genetic data if 23andMe finds a buyer, and that uncertainty is a clear indication that you should consider deleting your data. California attorney general Rob Bonta agrees."
Demain Nous Appartient spoiler : un gros choc pour Adam (vidéo épisode du 1er avril) https://www.stars-actu.fr/2025/03/demain-nous-appartient-spoiler-un-gros-choc-pour-adam-video-episode-du-1er-avril/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #TéléMédias #Demainnousappartient #DNA
La doppia elica del #DNA. Il progetto è stato realizzato con #Tinkercad, con un linguaggio di programmazione simile a #Scratch.
#3Dprinting #STEM #STEMeducation
Demain Nous Appartient spoiler : Soraya fait un terrible aveu à Gabriel (vidéo épisode du 1er avril) https://www.stars-actu.fr/2025/03/demain-nous-appartient-spoiler-soraya-fait-un-terrible-aveu-a-gabriel-video-episode-du-1er-avril/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #TéléMédias #Demainnousappartient #DNA
10:15am Tom's Diner (Feat. Suzanne Vega) by Dna
#KJAC #TheColoradoSound #Dna
I didn’t sign up to #23andMe, but I did to one of their competitors.
They didn’t advise any predispositions to illness—certainly none that I already knew to be common in my family—but it did remarkably pick up traits such as that I’m a morning person who dislikes pets, or foods containing coriander (cilantro) or chilli.
None of which are REMOTELY fucking true.
I can only imagine the legal hell that awaits insurers who rely on that service’s statistical models.
#DNA https://fediscience.org/@helenczerski/114234486421293619
How to Delete Your #23andMe Data
This week, the #genetic testing company 23andMe filed for #bankruptcy , which means the genetic data the company collected on millions of users is now up for sale. If you do not want your data included in any potential sale, it’s a good time to ask the company to delete it.
#privacy #dna
Demain Nous Appartient du 27 mars : Timothée démasque sa mère ! (résumé + vidéo épisode 1909 en avance) https://www.stars-actu.fr/2025/03/demain-nous-appartient-du-27-mars-timothee-demasque-sa-mere-resume-video-episode-1909-en-avance/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #TéléMédias #Demainnousappartient #DNA
Adventures in the #genetic time machine
Ancient #DNA is telling us more and more about humans and environments long past.
Could it also help rescue the future?
Thanks to a few well-funded labs like the one in Copenhagen, the #gene time machine has never been so busy. There are genetic maps of saber-toothed cats, cave bears, and thousands of ancient humans, including Vikings, Polynesian navigators, and numerous Neanderthals.
Demain Nous Appartient spoiler : Fred apprend une grande nouvelle ! (vidéo épisode du 31 mars) https://www.stars-actu.fr/2025/03/demain-nous-appartient-spoiler-fred-apprend-une-grande-nouvelle-video-episode-du-31-mars/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #TéléMédias #Demainnousappartient #DNA
Wer hätte es ahnen können…
23andMe users struggle to delete their highly sensitive data
This has been recommended frequently recently but . . .
The people who are recommending that others delete their data from #23andMe keep neglecting to also recommend that people download & SAVE their raw DNA data file first, so that they don't have to pay for another DNA test & so that they can upload the file elsewhere.
Six months later, everyone else noticed the problem. It may be a little late now, but if you haven't, get your #DNA swab deleted at #23andMe. https://oaklandprivacy.org/23andme-meltdown/
Demain Nous Appartient spoiler : Soraya harcelée et en grand danger (vidéo épisode du 31 mars) https://www.stars-actu.fr/2025/03/demain-nous-appartient-spoiler-soraya-harcelee-et-en-grand-danger-video-episode-du-31-mars/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #TéléMédias #Demainnousappartient #DNA
Demain nous appartient : un ancien personnage phare bientôt de retour ! (PHOTO) https://www.stars-actu.fr/2025/03/demain-nous-appartient-un-ancien-personnage-phare-bientot-de-retour-photo/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #TéléMédias #Demainnousappartient #DNA
"With 23andMe entering bankruptcy, here’s how to delete your genetic data"
#Genealogy #23andme #DNA #Bankruptcy #Genetics #USA #News #Finance #Economy #Privacy