The other day on the bus:
Driver: "aren't you getting off here?"
Me: "I'm going a bit further up the road"
D: "you bought the wrong ticket then" (except I didn't buy a ticket, as always I was travelling using my disabled bus pass)
M: "I did what I always do"
D: "but it's the wrong ticket"
M: "sorry, it's just what I always do"
D: "yeah but it's the wrong ticket, it costs more"
M: "let me off the bus then" (I am beginning to have a meltdown and would rather just walk the last half mile at this point)
D: "no, I'll take you the rest of the way"
M: "I want off here, let me off" (we're still stopped by the stop)
D: "I'll take you the rest of the way"
M: *suddenly screaming* "LET ME OFF THE FUCKING BUS NOW"
D: *shouting and opening the door* "get off the bus, now!"
What a great experience for someone who already has significant anxiety around public transport, but has no other option due to mental health issues.
It has me feeling like I should just avoid going anywhere away from the farm until I have my driving license back. How am I supposed to feel safe travelling if there's the possibility of me having an embarrassing meltdown just because a bus driver feels like arguing a point that literally doesn't matter. This particular driver has caused me significant distress over literally single digits of pence worth of revenue for a close to billion pound company.
I'm just tired and want to get on with my life.