Booting the final version 5.3 of Andy #Tanenbaum's #amoeba distributed OS in #qemu (32 bit x86). Just because (and we had a discussion on capabilities...).
Booting the final version 5.3 of Andy #Tanenbaum's #amoeba distributed OS in #qemu (32 bit x86). Just because (and we had a discussion on capabilities...).
This #amoeba eats prey like #owls do
The vampyrellid amoeba #Strigomyxa ruptor gen. et sp. nov. and its remarkable strategy to acquire algal cell contents
"The microscopic predator engulfs #algae, drains the cells and spits out the shell"
Biologists study trade-offs of microscopic predators
Costs of being a diet generalist for the #protist predator #Dictyostelium discoideum
"The #amoebae prey on a very diverse group of #bacteria. But when they switch from one bacteria to another, there's a physiological cost."
AP: What to know about another dangerous amoeba linked to neti pots and nasal rinsing
#amoeba #netipots #health
Migrating here from a different server, so here’s an #introduction repost:
My research focuses on #cooperation and conflict. I work with #Dictyostelium — a soil #amoeba where cells #cooperate and sacrifice to build multicellular fruiting bodies. A system where there can be a benefit to selfish behaviors. I try to understand how these amoebae make their society work. (1/2)