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#introduction Heya

I'm an ever-on-the-fence about social media kind of person. I briefly lived here as before its untimely demise.

I will post mostly about #emacs probably.

I do not consider myself to be a professional, but technically I develop software in #commonlisp for a living and have in the past worked in #quantumcomputing at a venerable science laboratory.

My education is in #mathematics and #philosophy

If I could afford it, I'd fry donuts for a living

hey! I've just moved here today and i thought I'd start by introducing myself. I'm an ecologist, specialized in avian and herpetofaunal ecology. i am also very interested in the data science aspect of the discipline, and i am working on getting more familiar with the ins and outs of R programming, and hopefully moving to more conventional programming, so i can feed into my other interests.

i am also muchly into open source software, specifically Emacs and Void Linux, and in my free time, work on contributing to Void Linux packages and my Emacs config. i tend to talk about all of these things a lot.

I'm big on cats. well, basically everything about them. expect a LOT of photos.

i also play the guitar a little and I'm predominantly into loud and dark music. I do talk about the music i listen to as well, both here and on my blog articles.

i also occasionally like to indulge in woodworking, and i hope to get more active with it

i have been blogging since 2016, on and off, and recently revived my blog after a hiatus of nearly 2 years.

you can read more about me at

a juvenile Shaheen with a Pond heron Kill. Photo by GK; see [about me](
peregrinator's blogperegrinator's blogblog post

Bonjour Masto et bonjours le miroir vers Bluesky.

J'ai donc migré sur piaille. Je continue à poster parfois sur des questions de #HelloESR #ESR parce que c'est chaud bouillant, parfois sur le langage et les langues, des bouquins ou des parutions diverses, et parfois des messages légers.

Je co-alimente le compte collectif des Linguistes atterrées sur Mastodon, certains fils seront rédigés plutôt là bas.

Ce message me sert de nouvelle #introduction #introductionfr

Hello! I am Tovitas(he/him) and I am EXITED AS FUUUCK to be here!

- I speak English, German, some Dutch and a bit of Swedish (still learning).

- I like reading, playing table tennis, and playing games on my PC!

-I am also very interested in philosophy, history, and politics.

-My Timezone is GMT +1

I am here to make friends and expand my knowledge of everything that interests me :P

Hi there, I'm Nico and I've got no idea how to introduce myself, so here we go. I don't know how life works in general or how my life works in particular. I'm a musician. With a band. In Germany. We do Blues Rock and the like (whatever that is again). We'll be recording this year, so there's more to come. It's all indie 'n' diy, and we need to figure things out. Transphobes f*ck off.

Hello everybody!

I guess it is time for an #introductions

I am June, from Vancouver, Canada. My gender is 422. 🤷‍♀️

Gosh, I'm supposed to describe who I am and my life? No idea where to start.
I am an extrovert, survivor, and kind of 3 cats in a trench coat, pretty sure one of them is a racoon in disguise.

For what I do: I develop my own video games (Unreal), make art in various mediums (traditional, digital, photography, 3D, interactive,...) and DJ for my friends. I love hikes, road-trips, raves, novelty and being like, super weird. I also freedive a lot and read mental health scholarly articles for fun.

I do not especially identify as transgender, but gender transition is what I am engaged in.

I am part of a polyamory / relationship anarchist family with my partner, where I am helping raise a lovely (and quite hilarious) child.

I am currently in collaboration to attempt at creating a prosocial co-op studio with a friend, hoping to bring mental health-focused cosy games on the market. Because, you know, late-stage economic and environment collapses are kind of turning everybody a bit mad.

I am a big proponent of finding joy, grace, support and hope when facing struggle. One faces pain easier when equipped with joy, and one accesses joy easier when facing pain.

As diagnosed AuDHD +& in resolution stage, I write about philosophy, social justice, transformation, decolonization and mental health. I also do pro-bono trauma coaching and crisis support for gender and neurodiverse communities and consulting services for therapists looking to better support clients on the neurodiverse & dissociative spectrums. (I would argue that going into the mental health field after 15 years in games is kind of the pipeline 😅 ).

Regarding who I am? If you're a bit into tarot, I'll say that I could identify as the explosive mix of The Fool, The Magician & The Empress. Something like that: I enjoy traveling between worlds and seeking natural truth.

Nice to meet y'all!

Welcome to my little corner of the fediverse. Just me, my thoughts, and whatever I feel like—coffee, tech ramblings, or random observations. No grand agenda, just a space to exist. Follow along if you like, or don’t. It’s all good.


(Note: Something went wrong, and I lost all the data; that’s why I have a new introduction.)

Hello, world!
I created this account a few years ago but never really used it…

Time for a proper #introduction 😜

I was Born in 1972, am married, no children.

I work as a Game Developer for Lab4Games, a collective of board game publishing studios (Days of Wonder, Space Cowboys, Libellud, Repos Prod, Next Move).

A fan of #boardgames (and #poker), I’m also into #movies (mainly #sci-fi and #fantasy), #novels, #comics, and #TVshows.
Basically, a geek in a nutshell...

I also practice #Archery and #NordicWalking.

Still not quite sure how all this works, so bear with me—sorry if I miss anything!

Salut tout le monde !
J’ai créé ce compte il y a quelques années mais ne l’ai jamais vraiment utilisé…
Allez, il est temps de faire une vraie #introduction 😜

Je suis né en 1972, marié, sans enfant.

Je travaille en tant que Game Developer pour Lab4Games un regroupement de studios d'édition de jeux de société (Days of Wonder, Space Cowboys, Libellud, Repos Prod, Next Move).

Fan de jeux de société (et de poker) et intéressé par le cinéma (principalement science-fiction et fantastique), les romans, les Bandes Dessinées et les séries TV : un geek pour résumer...

Je pratique aussi le tir à l'arc et la marche nordique.

Pas encore sûr de savoir comment tout ça fonctionne, merci d’être indulgent(e)s et désolé si je rate des trucs...

Bonjour le fediverse,

Voilà un long moment que j'observe, que je lis que je m'informe sans vraiment interagir.
Je suis dans les soins a l'hôpital publique en France depuis quelques années, intéressé par la confidentialité numérique j'utilise e/os sur mon téléphone, des distro linux autant que possible, j'apprécie la science fiction généralement mais particulièrement le post apo. Je cherche à (re)trouver un mode de vie plus apaisé.
Je trouve que les thèmes abordés ici stimulent beaucoup, participent à mes réflexions, interrogent sur mon comportement...
Bref j'apprends sereinement, sans crispation, sans précipitation et je vous remercie.

„Hallo Welt!“, ich bin #neuhier und möchte gern eine #introduction liefern. Ich habe den Server gerade aufgesetzt, um zu probieren, wie #Iceshrimp denn so funktioniert, einfach, weil es geht und mein #proxmox noch Ressourcen frei hatte.
#Selfhosting ist ein echter Kaninchenbau, ob ich da jemals wieder heraus finden werde ist fraglich, im Moment strenge ich mich nicht besonders an, das zu versuchen: es ist schön kuschelig hier. Außerdem kann ich so nur mich selbst verantwortlich machen, wenn etwas daran falsch läuft oder kaputt geht. Unter anderem deshalb ist es eine Ein-Nutzer-Instanz!
Ich höre ja schon auf, obwohl ich noch 2372 Zeichen frei habe, das ist aber kein Roman, sondern nur eine kurze
#Vorstellung. Wer mehr wissen will, sollte mich fragen.

New #introduction

I am a digital #artist working in #krita, making work with a somewhat subconcious process, featuring strange ethereal beings, demons, and wizards. I am inspired by #weird #SciFi and #fantasy art of the 1970s and 80s, perhaps not unrelated to my love of #ProgRock and #HeavyMetal and #psychedelic music

I boost art that I enjoy, and I hope you will too :))

#ArtistsOnMastodon #QueerArt #weirdart #MastoArt #ADHD #Lesbian
#HorrorArt #BodyHorror #illustration #art #DigitalArt

Since I moved to a new instance, here's a little #introduction about me. My name is Purple, a #retrogaming nerd mostly into platformers, FPS games, and survival horror. I'm also nonbinary and on the #autism spectrum. In addition, I take interest in animation, mostly stuff geared towards adults.

As of now, my current media hyperfixations consist of:
Super Mario
Sonic the Hedgehog
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
Life is Strange
Five Nights at Freddy's
South Park
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss


Salut ! Je suis un compositeur et musicien qui n'a jamais choisi d'équipe en ce qui concerne les styles musicaux. Ma zone de confort se situe entre le metal progressif/extrême, le jazz contemporain et le classique néo-romantique. J'aime les accords cool, bref. C'est ce que ça donne quand on grandit au rock progressif des années 70 et à la musique des jeux de rôle sur consoles et PC des années mi-90 en même temps.

Bien hâte d'être submergé par la créativité du fédivers !


Hey! I'm a composer and musician who never really picked sides regarding music genres. My musical comfort zone lies somewhere between progressive and extreme metal, contemporary jazz and neo-romantic classical. I'm down for anything that has cool chords, really. That's what you get when you grow up to 70s progressive rock and the music of mid-90s console and PC RPGs simultaneously, I guess.

Really looking forward to basking in the creativity of the fediverse!