New Episode: hpr4345 :: Android 2025
operat0r talks about his current setup with locked down Android phone
Hosted by operat0r on Friday, 2025-03-28 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Tags: hacking, android, ad blocking, youtube ads, smart phones.
Today on the #HackerPublicRadio #Community #Podcast
Iwakālua == twenty but wouldn’t this have been a better choice six days ago? For today I will choose “Iwakāluakumāono” instead! #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay #20 #twenty #26 #twentysix #HPR #HawaiianPublicRadio #LeilaniPoliʻahu
New Episode: hpr4343 :: Interviewing the Redot engine Founder
Discussing the project birth, its future, other engines and diving into GPL licenses.
Hosted by Celeste on Wednesday, 2025-03-26 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Tags: fork, FOSS, GPL, Redot, videogames, engine.
Today on the #HackerPublicRadio #Community #Podcast
Pulelehua == butterfly. Literally, “praying flower,” from the way the wings fold up together like praying hands
New Episode: hpr4340 :: Playing Civilization IV, Part 7
We demonstrate how to win a Culture victory
Hosted by Ahuka on Friday, 2025-03-21 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Tags: Computer games, strategy games, Civilization IV, Culture victory.
Today on the #HackerPublicRadio #Community #Podcast
Kāpae == “To set aside, turn aside, deviate from, eliminate, discard, remove, lay aside, delete, omit, spare, stow away, cancel, be perverted from; to disqualify, suspend.” (From Wehewehe) #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay # #HPR #HawaiianPublicRadio #LeilaniPoliʻahu
Mea == thing
Also, my kumu said that Hawaiian speakers use this word as their “filler” when grasping for the next thing to say… as in English you might use “um, uh, …” you might say “mea, mea, …” when speaking Hawaiian. #hwotd #hawaiianWordOfTheDay #thing #HPR #HawaiianPublicRadio #LeilaniPoliʻahu
New Episode: hpr4339 :: Review of the YR01 smart lock
Rho`n reviews his recently installed Yamiry YR01 Fingerprint Smart Knob
Hosted by Rho`n on Thursday, 2025-03-20 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Tags: review, hardware review, keyless entry system, door lock
Today on the #HackerPublicRadio #Community #Podcast
New Episode: hpr4337 :: Open Web UI
I go over how I have my local LLM server setup because I rm -Rf ed it ...
Hosted by operat0r on Tuesday, 2025-03-18 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Tags: failsause, open webui, llm, ollma, rag, ai prompt.
Today on the #HackerPublicRadio #Community #Podcast
New Episode: hpr4332 :: Top 5 mistakes every new terminal user makes
And how to avoid them
Hosted by Klaatu on Tuesday, 2025-03-11 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Today on the #HackerPublicRadio #Community #Podcast