Planning for summer
Summer may be some way off but it does no harm to start thinking about just what you want to achieve in the garden (or on the balcony) this year…
Planning for summer
Summer may be some way off but it does no harm to start thinking about just what you want to achieve in the garden (or on the balcony) this year…
Growing Onions and Leeks in the City
This genus of plant can be divided into bulbing and non-bulbing types, with onions and shallots the bulb type and leeks and Welsh onions not producing bulbs…
Germination has failed but I got a plan!
Starting lettuce in pots
Every windowsill and balcony should have a salad garden. Growing lettuce in pots indoors ensures young healthy plants are ready and growing for when the temperatures finally rise outside.
Day 4 of Germination and we got something growing!
Salad season
Over the next few weeks is the perfect salad season, just after the winter chill has passed and before the summer heat arrives.
Growing Tomatoes in the City
Tomatoes can be divided into two types, determinate and indeterminate. The determinate tomato plant stops growing around 1 metre in height…
And as I've been shouting from the rooftops lately: if you are at all able, start a veggie garden.
Garden design idea
When planning a garden for the year it is important not to be set in your ways and just keep repeating the same exercise from previous years.
What on earth has been living in my leeks? I pulled out a dead one to find this? Next one over was similar, still had it's roots and a bit of life left (mmmm dinner).
Early beans: Starting broad beans
These fast growing beans can be planted in the autumn to over-winter or in early spring (February/March) for a summer crop. They grow well in soil or in containers.
Vertical Gardening
In the urban city garden there is often no option but to use vertical space. Ground conditions in a city space often mean dampness and an increase in slugs and snails at ground level.
There’s nothing quite as satisfying as growing your own food. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced gardener, knowing how to start a vegetable garden will provide you with fresh, flavorful produce right in your backyard. Click below to keep reading
#gardening #gardeningtips #sustainability #sustainableliving #vegetablegarden
Early tomatoes
While it is still still too early to start summer tomatoes from seed indoors (end of February), it is well worth starting some Russian and Eastern European tomato seeds.