Manna doesn't WANT to hurt the gang of punks standing in her way. But, they seem to have forgotten just who - and what - Manna Ken is. And, she's more than willing to remind them l, metal beats flesh. Every time.
Manna doesn't WANT to hurt the gang of punks standing in her way. But, they seem to have forgotten just who - and what - Manna Ken is. And, she's more than willing to remind them l, metal beats flesh. Every time.
People in Scoone Avenue had old money, which was supposed to be much better than new money, although Captain Vimes had never had enough of either to spot the difference. People in Scoone Avevue had their own personal bodyguards. People in Scoone Avenue were said to be so aloof they wouldn't even talk to the gods. This was a slight slander. They would talk to gods, if they were well-bred gods of decent family.
(Guards Guards)
“I still sometimes stop hearing the tune. I still become enveloped by the abject pain of hopelessness. But hope is singing all the while. It’s just that again and again, I must relearn how to listen.”
— John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed
~ Oprah Winfrey
~ Oprah Winfrey
*~*"Leadership is about empathy!*It is about having the ability to relate to!*& connect with people for the purpose of inspiring!*& empowering their lives!"*~*
~ Oprah Winfrey
~ Theodore Roosevelt
~ Theodore Roosevelt
~ Theodore Roosevelt
*~*"Nobody cares how much you know!*until they know how much you care!"*~*
~ Theodore Roosevelt
~ Barack Obama
~ Barack Obama
*~*"Learning to stand in somebody else's shoes!*to see through their eyes!*that's how peace begins!*& it's up to you to make that happen!*Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world!"*~*
~ Barack Obama
A structure based on centuries of history cannot be destroyed with a few kilos of explosives.
-- Peter Kropotkin
He reached out and pressed an invitingly large red button on a nearby panel. The panel lit up with the words Please do not press this button again.
*~*1 Corinthians 12:25-26*~*
*~*One Body with Many Members!*~*