Good. If the Pact with Death was made on the condition of dying first, which fits with the life given by God, as long as the End of the World doesn't come, if Hell comes to you, you can revoke the Pact.
All that needs to be done is to emphasize to the human being that Hell is already here.
Obviously, this is so. I'm looking back on my life, and everything fits together perfectly now.
But it's incredible, isn't it? That human beings would go to Hell, for no reason, and turn it into their reason for living. There must be a trick, a subterfuge, some flaw that can catch us in the act.
Monday March 24th, 2025
Today the #Moon
new ideas and insights are possible.
The Moon joins truth-telling #Pluto,
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Of course, of course. You only need to look at history and your own personal relationships to realize this is true. Human beings have cultivated their collective suicide. They have intentionally cornered themselves so they can't escape it. How grotesque and how obvious!