Streamline your ecommerce operations with eCommUIUX! Our Bootstrap 5 HTML templates offer a perfect interface for online inventory management. #ecommerce #bootstrap5 #inventory #dashboard #adminuiux #HTML #admin #dashboard #themes #templates
Hi, #Today I decided to try to #getfedihired — I've got many years of experience with web development, programming and production (#HTML, #CSS, #Javascript), I can make myself useful in anything on the open-source side of back end, i.e. the #Perl, #Python, #PHP, #MySQL, #Linux kind of area.
I live in #Sydney Australia and would be happy to work in-office, remote or hybrid.
Let me know of any opportunities, or pass this on to anyone else who might know of something? Thanks.
This book is very good for anyone who is interested in #HTML or #HTMX
I've been reading it, here are my key takeaways from the first few chapters!
I have a very specific way of note-taking when reading books :) I call it the Hyperlinked-Interactive-Brain or HIB approach.
I feel like building responsive navbars is harder than it looks
Split and assemble an image with a cool hover effect and a few lines of code. Single-element implementation (the image tag) powered by CSS mask.
New Kitten release
• Now leaves <style> tags within <template> tags alone when collating and normalising the CSS on a page so as not to interfere with scoped styles in declarative shadow DOM.
(Kitten’s Streaming HTML workflow¹ – which uses htmx and WebSockets under the hood – combined with built-in support for slots, etc., in Kitten components² means the use of declarative shadow DOM is mostly useful if you want scoped styles. Ideally, of course, use classes to scope styles to your components and be specific in your CSS selectors in general so as not to pollute elements in your components. Although that’s a bit like saying you should floss everyday. Yeah, we all know we should…) :)
Update: All that said, I’d highly recommend you don’t use Shadow DOM in your Kitten apps. For one thing, htmx’s WebSocket extension doesn’t seem to play well with it. And for another, you really don’t need it and definitely not just to get scoped CSS.
#Development #Reports
Firefox is (re)adding support for web apps · What to expect from the browser’s delayed PWA support
#Firefox #Browser #WebApp #PWA #WebDev #Frontend #HTML #CSS #JavaScript
It's abundantly clear to me that the tag soup we have accepted as reasonable #HTML markup is going to continue to get worse. LLMs without guidance tend to everything in a <div>, avoid semantic elements unless told otherwise, and give literally everything a class. It's infuriating.
I wonder how many #webdev novices understand these tools don't just generate what they may view as harmless syntax we can quibble about and may bake in design choices that may deeply users #a11y wise.
#Development #Examples
Cool native HTML elements · “There’s something new here for you too.”
#Modals #Disclosures #RangeInputs #ProgressBars #SearchableDropdowns #GroupedLists #KeyCombinations #WebDev #Frontend #HTML
Wow. Diese Leser-Mail »made my day«:
»... ich habe mir vor 3 Wochen ihr Buch "Einstieg in HTML und CSS" gekauft und bin fleißig am lernen ... Sie erklären fantastisch und das mit einem Humor, der genau meinen trifft. Ich wollte einfach kurz Danke sagen!
… und nun bin ich so aufgeregt und voller Freude beim Lernen, dass ich ständig die Zeit vergesse und es kaum erwarten kann wieder aufzuwachen um weiterzumachen. Was haben Sie denn da angerichtet?«
In the last 6 months of using Astro in SSR mode, I have learned a lot about HTML streaming and how it breaks the expectations I had for full-stack apps, coming from Phoenix/Ruby on Rails.
I have written down a short blog post about it so you can learn from my mistakes instead of repeating them
#Development #Misconceptions
Popping preconceived popover ponderings · Demystifying the HTML ‘popover’ attribute
#Accessibility #Popover #Dialog #Modal #Browser #WebDev #Frontend #HTML #ARIA
Modern Social Link Share | Personal Portfolio Website
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Popping preconceived popover ponderings |
Published 0.18.0 of `dj-angles` to provide a way to add #AJAX forms to #Django.
The form tag will submit to the endpoint specified in the action via fetch and swap in the resulting #HTML. Very similar to #HTMX hx-swap.
Game Studio Starter Kit (6 Game Collection) by Stephen Gose is the featured Track on the Leanpub homepage! #ProjectManagement #GameDevelopment #Html #Javascript #WebDevelopment #Education #Diy
Styling an #HTML dialog modal to take the full height of the viewport #frontend
german: gerade endeckt bei #ReadingList #HTML attribute command und commandfor #a11y #webstandard