The Asgard Tor at the Granite Tors in the Chena River State Recreation Area near Fairbanks, Alaska. One of my favorite places to hike (or snowshoe) year-round.
Info in my hiking guide:
The Asgard Tor at the Granite Tors in the Chena River State Recreation Area near Fairbanks, Alaska. One of my favorite places to hike (or snowshoe) year-round.
Info in my hiking guide:
Anyone interested in hiking & Japan? I’ve just updated my ‘hiking the mountains of Japan’ gallery and added 2024. It’s here if you are. There was a huge fall off in hikes though last year, mostly due to motivation and/or lack of time, something that I want to fix this year.
Spacer wśród wysokich sosen, szum wiatru i złote promienie słońca przebijające się przez korony drzew…
'Grenzbereich' #FotoVorschlag 'Border area'
I took this #photo a couple of years ago on a hike that went right on the border between #germany and #austria . When I'm looking at my photos ... I think ... I'd like to do this hike again
It was quite some up and down but I have very fond memories .. And I think, my #photography has really improved since then.
Valley of Fire, #Nevada, December 2020 #hiking #redrock #PublicLand #photography
I guess, the time of the year is near again. When the rabbits howl and growl in the dark woods. When wolfes squeak in fear and hide their eggs.
Spotted tiny Elon the Muskrat in the beaver works today, munching fresh reed grass. So many species benefit from the beavers' engineering. Saw plenty of beavers too but just missed a bobcat, as we were informed by two other park regulars we trade notes with. #Hiking #Walking #BoycottTesla
Goethe, Chrupalla und der Kompass ins Nichts
Goethe in einer Talkshow mit Tino Chrupalla – die spannendste Frage des Abends: Wer verlässt zuerst die Bühne? Chrupalla, weil ihm der alte Herr mit messerscharfer Logik die Fakenews um die Ohren haut, oder Goethe, weil er sich dieses Drama nicht länger antun will? Eines ist sicher: Goethe war kein Mann der einfachen Antworten – und hätte sich das Kleingedruckte ganz genau durchgelesen.
Denny Creek, time lapse exposure #nature #hiking #washington #photomonday #fotomontag #dennycreek #nature #photography
Bobbie is reading about his ‘bitches’ Ruth & Hiske in the magazine of the Netherlands Irish Terrier Club (NITC)
#IrishTerriers #dogsofmastodon
My friend sent me this today from an amazing snowshoe camping trip we took in 2016.
MECFS has altered my life in such a massive way that I'm sometimes at a loss for words. I would have easily hiked 80-100km in a weekend in spite of some heavy fibromyalgia symptoms back then. Now I'm happy when i can make it around the block.
That being said, I'm not the only one. I have another friend in this photo with a degenerative disorder, and I was worried my hiking buddies would disappear when i got sick and came out as trans. But they are still here and I know how rare that is.
I miss the alpine, I miss the plants, I miss the peace and the beautiful reset it gave my audhd each time, i miss the bonding with my friends, but this photo reminds me that you have to love each moment to its fullest because you never know what's right around the corner and I'm so glad I did.
Slab caves, Mattatuck Trail, Wolcott, Connecticut. August 17, 2017, 7:41 PM.
Mountain layers. A view from the top of Ventolau peak (2.853m) in Tavascan valley, Pyrenees. Took this photo nine years ago, during the summer, the weather changed rapidly once we reached the summit, clouds started to form, creating a mesmerizing interplay of light and shadows over the receding mountains and ridges.
Wetteraussichten: Der nächste Dämpfer für den Frühling
Fort Defiance State Park
Emmet County, Iowa, USA; traditional territory of the Wahpeton, Yankton, and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ nations / Original 360° photos at
Ranger Sarah view more cool cave features in Coronado Cave.
— at Coronado National Memorial.