#prawazwierząt #prawazwierzat #prawazwierzątteraz #animalrights #animalrightsactivism #animalrightsmovement #animalrightsmarch #warsaw #warszawa #zerwijmyłańcuchy #weganizm #vegan #veganism #veganfortheanimals
Today it is with great pleasure we take this opportunity to introduce our third speaker to you.
Andy Atkinson (Not Your Mum Not Your Milk) hails from Worcestershire and has been vegan for 10 years now. He is a rights based activist with an emphasis on rights (a concept he feels has almost been forgotten). He is passionate about both preserving and speaking about vegan history and the importance of the language which we use and the claims that we make.
These days he can most often be found on TikTok spreading the vegan word.
We are absolutely certain you will be glad to hear Andy's message.
#animalrights #animalrightsmarch #narm #vegan #govegan #bevegan #justice #stopexploitation
We are very pleased to announce that Lynn Sawyer will be our second speaker at this year's National Animal Rights March. Given her approach to the animal rights cause we just know you're going to love what she has to say.
Lynn became a vegan animal rights activist in 1994. She had been a vegetarian for 2 years prior after a misspent youth working on farms and being a hunt supporter. She has done lots of types of activism, from street stalls, to demos, to direct actions. Whilst heavily involved in the SHAC campaign she was seriously injured after being pulled from a tripod on the A1. She is currently a dedicated hunt saboteur sabbing both illegal hunting and the badger cull.
#vegan #veganism #animalrights #animalrightsmarch #NARM #badgercull #huntsaboteur #huntsab #justice #govegan #bevegan
If NARM were a t-shirt, which t-shirt would it be? #animalrights #bevegan #vegan #animalrightsmarch #NARM