Scrying is a form of divination in which the practitioner uses a medium to see images. It has been practiced across time, by peoples from all over the world.
What is the nature of the things you see? There's no definitive answer to that. Some will say you see things from past/present/future, others will say that it gives you a glimpse into your subconscious, some see it as a way to commune with deities.
How to do it?
There's many different methods and techniques, so what works for me might not work for you. We started with a meditation to open up. It helps to still your mind and to consciously go into an altered state where you are receptive to signs and signals.
We worked with a moonlit lake and the starry sky.
Fix your gaze on one point, and relax. Let thoughts slip from your mind and gaze at one spot. Things may start to appear in your peripheral vision, but you shouldn't try to look at them directly (because usually they will disappear as soon as you try to chase them).
Try not to immediately interpret what you see, but keep your mind quiet. Interpretation comes later.
It might take some experimentation and practice, like many things it becomes easier as you do it more often.
After you finish scrying, you don't want to leave yourself this open. So cleanse, close and protect yourself. Never forget to say a word of thanks to the place and the medium that you used.
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