Five days as an official at the Australian Grand Prix. Very happy to have had an opportunity to volunteer in a different role this year (but still got to hang out with the Pit Lane team) #motorsport #volunteer #ausgp
Five days as an official at the Australian Grand Prix. Very happy to have had an opportunity to volunteer in a different role this year (but still got to hang out with the Pit Lane team) #motorsport #volunteer #ausgp
Volunteered at our local repair cafe today. I fixed an RC car and an amplifer, and helped diagnose an LED christmas tree.
Couldn't take pictures of the whole space, but here's my little workstation with my tools. There were 8 volunteers and about twice as many visitors, so it wasn't too stressful.
I definitely plan to volunteer again, once the organizer gets the next date picked out!
We have an exciting opportunity for any #unity #developers looking for work!
We are part of a coalition of studios working on a large project from an established IP, and we are putting together a crack team of #professionals to handle our side of #development!
This is a six week #volunteer position, followed by a guaranteed spot on our #paid #freelance team for a one year #contract, minimum.
If you're interested, fill out the Aptitude Test below!
Do as Kevin says, not as he does!
Sometimes our volunteers do things that aren't recommended like Kevin using tweezers to test this plug.
We promise that we are insured and know what we're doing, but sometimes our fixers go rogue!
#goodnews #inspiring #youth #NonProfit #mentoring #volunteer #NewOrleans #USA
‘Big Brothers Big Sisters’ Returns to New Orleans After 20 Years Being Closed By Hurricane Katrina
A huge thank you for your generosity at our March repair cafe - you donated £151.37.
We've spent it on:
Café items - £42.
Tools and sprays - £50.
Parking - £17.50.
A PAT course - £38.
We couldn't do this without you. Every penny donated makes a huge difference and enables us to keep supporting the community here in Barry - round of applause for all of you
Call for Volunteers
Für die #rp25 in Berlin suchen wir wieder motivierte, freundliche und verlässliche Menschen, die uns zwischen dem 23. und 29. Mai 2025 unterstützen – ob bei der Akkreditierung, am Info-Point, beim Auf- und Abbau oder mehr.
Ab heute könnt ihr euch für eine Schicht bewerben! Weitere Informationen dazu gibt es hier:
Interested in gardening but have no access to land? Want to grow your own food but aren't sure where to start? Passionate about food security? Come out on April 13 for a volunteer meetup at ComeUnity Roots Garden and see what we're all about!
(and hopefully the snow will be gone by then so you can actually see the garden)
#CommunityGarden #DTK #Kitchener #IronHorseTrail #gardening #garden #foodSovereignty #FoodSecurity #FoodInsecurity #volunteer @WaterlooEvents @waterlooregion
We need to pay for the yearly backups for all of our services and content -…
This means all of our services (friendica, peertube, nextcloud, etc.), all of our websites like,,, and so on.
We only need 230 Euros to cover another year of backups. Please if you can help out since we are underfunded and cannot afford to pay for them.
The payment is yearly. We need to pay by the end of this month (March).
Thanks a bunch!
Un organisme qui nourrit des milliers de personnes à l’année | L'épicerie
This is the 'Soupe' I worked with last summer. A tough job I really love.
#Volunteer People over profits
In the garden at the play centre today, I had a group of concerned tiny people watching as I, gloved up to my elbows, used a long armed lopper to cut down a very prickly small palm which was growing right near their favourite trike path.
We discussed safety.
I showed them the vicious prickles.
Then, having removed the hazard, I was shown everyone's band aids, bruises, or other wounds.
They were keen to show that the other plants were safe.
To cheer ourselves up we then watered every thing with tiny watering cans.
Russia jails British volunteer fighting for Ukraine for 19 years
#WarOfAggression #Europa #Ukraine #UK #volunteer #jail #prison #Kursk #British#Armee #Frontline #war #Russia #WarCriminal #occupiers #defenders
New language unlocked
Thanks to the efforts of more than 100 #volunteer students at the University of Warsaw, GBIF Poland has completed translations to enable Polish language to be supported across!
Read more:
We can’t hope to prevent all the harm #Trump is doing or indeed our own government in the #UK . We can all help make things better, #Volunteer , get #Political or #Donate (there are many organisations doing good work - I have donated to UNICEF and the WHO Foundation today). Do what you can - #Act . #FuckTrump
PgUS is looking for volunteers! We have jobs both large and small so even if you only have a little time to give, we’d love to hear from you!
Do you know about ROBIN HOOD ARMY!?
It's an organization that accepts no money and feeds the poor people through, fit to eat leftover food and also other resources.
Working in 13 countries currently.
#India #Pakistan #Malaysia #Nepal #Srilanka
#Nigeria #Uganda #Zambia #Bahrain #Bangladesh #Botswana #Indonesia #Guinea
• No funds
• Apolitical
• Non-Religious
Boost to spread this movement!
#MutualAid #robinhoodarmy #apolitical #anarchist
#atheist #atheism #nofunds #zerofunds #volunteer #volunteering #Community #abolishmoney #feedthepoor #foodwastage #climatechange #Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #humanity
Join Street Care’s Mobile Outreach at Hayward Library from 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM!
#HaywardOutreach #HappeningNow #Volunteer #GiveBack
Join Street Care’s Mobile Outreach at Hayward Library from 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM!
#HaywardOutreach #HappeningNow #Volunteer #GiveBack
Join Street Care’s Mobile Outreach at Hayward Library from 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM!
#HaywardOutreach #HappeningNow #Volunteer #GiveBack
I love checking out bands before the show. Find out if it s for me.
For example at #stengade - who at least have their own website. but routinely there s 3 links to music:
#facebook #instagram #spotify
3x NO.
It s time we get to work and move.
"Leaving #Meta - for #volunteer run #venues"