Our Darkscene DJs Ostara Raid Train is running all day long to celebrate spring equinox. We're currently dancing at https://twitch.tv/DJ_DarkAngel_Carrie. Next up: @shinobigeisha, then *checks notes* me! Join us! https://twitch.tv/maerchen1313
Ooooh #Bigscreen is releasing a Beyond 2 with better lenses!
That's been my biggest issue with the Beyond 1 so this could be a welcome upgrade. They're also adding an eye-tracked version which means this could be good for #VRChat users
New message fromt the Dragon
Hey, how are we all doing? This is a post to say I am still alive. Also, I've been going into VR Chat. (Pictures) I did some updates to the avatar. Stay safe and be yourself. See ya around kobolds.
#imagesfromthecave #dragon #vrchat
March 19, 2025 at 11:02PM
ATTENTION: Steam Audio is now in the #VRChat Open Beta. This initial release is currently focused on compatibility so world creators should hop on and provide feedback in-case anything sounds off or otherwise different. The fun features that Steam Audio provides will come later.
time for a new look
out with the old and in with the new
Starting to really dig the more "simple" outfit ideas that I've been cooking up lately, they're super easy to throw together and lend themselves to being very "modular" kinda like real outfits
also I have my own map in vrchat to mess around in now
Hey Canadians & non-Canadians, not traveling for March Break? Let's F'g Go on Twitch TOMORROW (Tuesday) at @maerchen1313's RETRO Beach Party. BYO bikini and tiny drink umbrellas. I'll bring the 80s surf punk, new wave, and goth. See you there! --> http://twitch.tv/maerchen1313
My friend showed me the wonders of #vrchat a week or two ago. He wanted me to watch a particular streamer on twitch called Jouffa, and she were kind enough answering a question I had about the game. So I tried to draw her!
Also my first post here on Mastodon ^.^ Hi everyone! o/
Where did you go~? Why must you leave me in the dark again~?
#VR | #VRC | #VRChat | #VRChatPhotography