Germany Officially Recognizes Film Photography as a Cultural Heritage #Analog #analogphotography #culturalheritage #film #filmphotography #germany #héritage #history #Unesco Germany Officially Recognizes Film Photography as a Cultural Heritage #Analog #analogphotography #culturalheritage #film #filmphotography #germany #héritage #history #Unesco
Germany Officially Recognizes Film Photography as a Cultural Heritage #analogphotography #culturalheritage #filmphotography #heritage #Culture #germany #history #Analog #analog #unesco #News #film #DemoScene : The demoscene as a #UNESCO heritage in Sweden ... I am wondering what are today platforms for such creativity ? #MCUs ? Like #Stm32GameWatch or #ESP32 ?
The demoscene as a UNESCO heritage in Sweden
Heute sah ich mir den Shore Temple aus dem 7. Jahrhundert an. Er ist einer der ältesten Steintempel Südindiens und seit 1984, als Teil der Monumentgruppe, ein #unesco Weltkulturerbe.
#APS is requiring screen time for students in the 2025-26 school year (more mandatory screen time for #intervention #students, which is madness). Teachers in the trenches know that this is a terrible move - here’s a summary of the extensive evidence (made available for free from #UNESCO )that screen-free instruction from a skillful teacher is more important than digitizing #learning. #AnEdTechTragedy #jonathanhaidt
Cerro de los Siete Colores – La colline aux sept couleurs
#andes #ArcEnCiel #Argentine #colline #couleur #érosion #Humahuaca #imxok #légende #montagne #Purmamarca #Unesco #vidéo
Travel Trivia: The Citadel of Aleppo is the world's oldest castle - dating back to the 3rd millennium BCE.
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A #wildfire is burning through a forested area in #Andong, #SouthKorea. One of South Korea's worst-ever wildfire outbreaks has killed at least 27 people, officials said with multiple raging blazes causing "unprecedented damage" & threatening two #UNESCO-listed sites.
#Climate #ClimateCrisis
#Unesco #Ευρωπαϊκής_Ομοσπονδίας Ο Ιωάννης Μαρωνίτης νέος Πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας ομίλων και συλλόγων για την UNESCO
Schimmi muss Kulturerbe werden!
Sie dürfen das gerne anders sehen, doch ich würde mich sofort als 1. Vorsitzender einer Kommission bewerben, die sich zum Auftrag macht, den #ARD Hauptkommissar Horst #Schimanski zum immateriellen Kulturerbe der UNESCO erklären zu lassen. (Eine Horst-Schimanski-Gasse in Duisburg gibt es immerhin schon seit 2014.)
BDG news: Protests Intensify for Buddhist Control of Mahabodhi Temple In Bodh Gaya
We are live at @unesco Headquarters, Paris, France!
Global Science Ministerial Dialogue on Science Diplomacy - Science Diplomacy in a Rapidly Changing World: Building Peace in the Minds of Men and Women
"There is no better time than now for this dialogue amidst the rising global tension," says PAN African Strategic Studies Initiative.
Merida, Spain – UNESCO World Heritage Sites
#UNESCO #PatrimonioMundial #WorldHeritage #Welterbe #Philately #Filatelia #Sellos #Stamps #Timbres #Philatelie #Briefmarken #UNESCOWorldHeritage #Merida #TemploDeDiana #Badajoz #Extremadura #TeatroRomanoDeMerida
Marrakesh, Morocco – UNESCO World Heritage Sites
#UNESCO #PatrimonioMundial #WorldHeritage #Welterbe #Philately #Filatelia #Sellos #Stamps #Timbres #Philatelie #Briefmarken #UNESCOWorldHeritage #Marrakech #Marrakesh #Menara #Koutoubia #JemaaElFna #MedersaBenYoussef
Erzurum, gastronomi alanında "Yaratıcı Şehirler Ağı Ulusal Listesi"ne girdi: Belediyeden yapılan açıklamada görüşlerine yer verilen Sekmen, konuyla ilgili başvurunun değerlendirildikten sonra Erzurum'un UNESCO listesine girdiğini belirtti.
Sekmen, kentteki asırlık yemeklerin tescillendiğini dile getirerek, şunları kaydetti:
"Belediye olarak kadim şehrimizin köklü ve zengin mutfak… #Erzurum #Gastronomi #UNESCO #YaratıcıŞehirler #MutfakKültürü
“The 2025 UN world water development report finds that receding snow and ice cover in mountain regions could have “severe” consequences for people and nature.
Up to 60% of the world’s freshwater originates in mountain regions, which are home to 1.1bn people and 85% of species of birds, amphibians and mammals.”
#Unesco #λίωσιμο_πάγων Unesco: Τι σηματοδοτεί το λιώσιμο των πάγων για το μέλλον της ανθρωπότητας