#StopStreetSweeps #HumanRights
Street sweeps of the homeless are just another form of taxpayers funded, state sanctioned, social murder. These inhumane actions have never worked to alleviate homelessness crisis, nor lowered crime rates, nor have they improved our community safety as a whole. People die from street sweeps. We have desperate needs for both more social & transitional supportive housing for folks living at & below poverty lines. We have desperate community needs for mental health & addictions recovery/support services to be funded better & access to services be fast-tracked. There's long waiting lists for folks seeking help & that's been an health care issue for decades - under 2 swinging door governments. There's still too much stigma & ignorant judgements towards our most marginalized citizens.
A society that chooses to judge, ignore, dehumanize & ostracize the most marginalized folks within it, is a sick society. It really does take a village of diverse kind citizens to help heal it. You can always make a small ripple of difference to help out in your own local area