Der letzte Mensch sitzt in seinem Zimmer. Es klopft.
Der letzte Mensch sitzt in seinem Zimmer. Es klopft.
100+ horror microfiction stories, each a whisper from the abyss. These are stories that crawl under your skin and refuse to leave. Will you risk reading them?
Coming - 10/06/2025
“Scottishness is as much myth as it is history, which means that we must guard it carefully, retell it beautifully &, more than anything else, love it wisely.”
John Burnside (1955–2024) was born #OTD, 19 March. He published prolifically across many forms – chiefly as a poet, but also as a novelist, memoirist, writer of short stories & academic works – over a career spanning nearly forty years.
The Ethereal Nightmares Trilogy drags you deeper into the unknown with every page. Shadows shift. Reality bends. Whispers grow louder. Can you survive all three books?
„Bin gleich wieder da“, sagte Godot.
With the arrival of #spring, it’s time for another quarterly #ebook from the Grammaticus Free Library series: “Four Stories for Spring” by Ellen Robena Field.
It contains four short stories, with the accompanying vocabulary notes and illustrations designed primarily for English language learners (levels B1 and above).
Some nightmares demand to be seen. Clarence’s Nightmares is looking for an artist to create its official cover. A vision of madness, dread & horror.
It was a shock to learn the Bible bashers were right. There is life after death! But it's not the Heaven and Hell of their sermons. I ended up here after watching footy on the TV.
Link to story on Tall And True:
I've shared a new blog post about how my departed uncle's voice helped me write a #shortstory for the January 2025 #NotQuiteWritePrize.
Link to post on Tall And True:
The first short story released to the Lavishly Entangled Words of Enlightenment shop is Big Bang Boat Theory, A Short Story! This short story is free to all Members of our Patreon page.
On the @fictionable #podcast the writer Ben Sorgiovanni gives us his #philosophy of #fiction
Catch it at or via #ApplePodcasts #Spotify #Acast and more…
#books #reading #writing #ShortStories #bookstodon @bookstodon
Submissions are now open for our June issue!
Hello Fediverse! I am Jonah, a #queer #erotica #author from #Berlin. Looking forward meeting y'all and share my work with you!
I started writing erotica back in the golden Tumblr and LiveJournal days. I already published other #books and #shortstories but this is my penname for (queer) erotica&romance .
A #shortstory I wrote for the #NotQuiteWrite Podcast's #NotQuiteWritePrize in January 2025, with help from the voice of my uncle who passed away in 2014!
Link to story on Tall And True: