4:27pm Everything Is Everything by Phoenix
#KJAC #TheColoradoSound #Phoenix
4:27pm Everything Is Everything by Phoenix
#KJAC #TheColoradoSound #Phoenix
Location: Arizona Capitol, 1700 W. Washington Street
Date: Saturday, 5 Apr 2025
Time: 10–12p
Bring your signs, your noisemakers, your energy and yourself. Plenty of shady spots to sit (bring your own chair) if you aren't up for marching around the building. I'll bring water and snacks!
Details for #Phoenix peeps start in the next post in this thread:
On April 5th, I’m joining @indivisibleteam’s Hands Off national day of #protest to stand up for our democracy, our jobs, and our future.
We'll be will be rallying at the AZ Capitol from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, and I'd love for you to stand with us.
Details for #Phoenix folks continue in a short
10:17pm Liztomania by Phoenix
#KJAC #TheColoradoSound #Phoenix
The #TeslaTakedown #protest hits different on the west side of #Phoenix!
Plenty of pro-democracy people, but a handful of counter protesters.
Definitely a mixed bag of supporters vs detractors. Which is part of the process. Keep showing up!
#MorningAll and happy #TeslaTakedown #protest to all who celebrate, and if there’s one near you (there likely is), I hope you join us in the celebration! I’ll be at the #Glendale (#Phoenix) location at 9a.
Then I think I’ll spend some time on my #ebike this afternoon, since the weather is perfect for it.
Courage & persistence.
@newyorktimes @opinion-newyorktimes the #democraticparty needs not just a complete #makeover, it needs be burned so that from the ashes a new #phoenix can arise that will be able to actually address the concerns of the 65% of #american #voters. Staying part of the current #twopartydysfunction will simply obliaterate them whilst they try clinging on to cushy jobs and political money
Openscore Ensemble – Antiphonae
#Classical #arvopart #classical #hildegardofbingen #justintonation #ligeti #messiaen #organum #perotin #Phoenix
CC BY (#CreativeCommons Attribution) #ccmusic
This year has had a rather awesomely busy start to the festival season, which means you guys are in store for yet another recap post. This time, I'm going to tell you all about Phoenix Phyre 2025 in Apopka, FL.
#phoenix #phoenixfestivals #phoenixphyre #festival #witch #pagan #spirituality #nature
Cheap Flights: Phoenix to/from Jacksonville, Florida or Charlotte, North Carolina $201-$214 r/t [April-February] - Delta
If you are somewhere the allergy season has started up, here's what I contend with in Phoenix this time of year. Both the palo verde and acacia trees have tiny yellow flowers that spread pollen. The one in the photo I linked to is actually palo verde. Got to get around to changing that ID in flickr from a photo I posted 15 years ago. If you spot one of these trees, drive away quickly! You know those yellow petals are going to end up blowing around in the air. Aaaaiieeee! #Allergy #Phoenix #Acacia #Yellow
Live on the west side of #Phoenix? The #TeslaTakedown #protests are now available in your area!
When: Saturdays from 9–12p
Where: #Swasticar dealership @ 9245 W #Glendale Ave
"This is a local Indivisible event. It is going to be at Tesla Glendale, by WestGate. Please join us on Saturday, March 29,2025 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Bring your signs, a chair and let’s keep this thing going. It’s working.”
I'll be there!
Jazz Hands
Jazz Hands -- © 2025 -– Robert N. Clinton (aka CyberShutterbug)
Dya see the #phoenix? That's actually my spirit animal.. I even has the tattoo..