The ultimate trip in America isn't a city, nor a beach, nor even a mountain; no, it's the clear shimmering window into eternity that is Badwater Basin at night, set in the sublime landscape of Death Valley, the "True Sky".
The Hamburger Galaxy, also known as NGC 3628, is an unbarred spiral galaxy located approximately 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo that reaches its annual culmination at astronomical midnight and is best observed in early March.
Detailed Information:
▼ Vixen VC200L | EOS R(a) '25
Managed to capture the Milky Way "core" last night, for the first time :)
Made an 8 hours timelapse as well :). Will be part of a future video for our TROMhome channel -…
All with a Pixel 4a with CalyxOS, gave to me for free by @aaron :)
“Be like the night sky, full of mysteries, yet never in despair.” – Rumi
NEW #Astrophoto: Mars
Planet time! It was the perfect opportunity to attach my planetary camera to the telescope in Tower 1 at Hoher List.
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▼ Ritchey-Chrétien | QHY 5III-462C
We took some cool photos tonight :)
We will make a video about this for our TROMhome channel - . You can subscribe to get updates :)
Do you see Jupiter? :)
Sadr Region, Cygnus
I don't often like completely starless nebula astrophotos, but this one fairly screamed "oil painting" at me when I saw the brown and gold tones.
SkyWatcher Quattro 8", 4hr10 data, IDAS NBZ HOO filter, reprocessed from last year using PI and a modified HaHOO palette.
What if I tell you about a galaxy that has not one but two supermassive black holes? What if I tell you that these SMBH orbit very close to each other, at a distance of about 0.07 l-y? And, would you believe me if I tell you that these two, at the center of this galaxy, emanate a relativistic jet producing an active galactic nucleus? This all happens at the center of this well-known galaxy: M81.
FRESH #Astrophoto: Messier 67
Many open star clusters are great to capture with the 1800mm focal length and a full-frame camera. This was also the case with Messier 67.
Full story:
▼ Vixen VC200L | Canon EOS R(a) '25
Aurora is currently active and visible, Watch now at:
#AuroraBorealis #NorthernLighs #Kiruna #Sverige #Sweden #NightSky