Ok, finally wrapping this project up. Cut the frame down, glued and used some flat angle braces to reassemble. Painted both the frame and the back of the mirror. Hung it in the laser room at the maker space. Looks good.
Ok, finally wrapping this project up. Cut the frame down, glued and used some flat angle braces to reassemble. Painted both the frame and the back of the mirror. Hung it in the laser room at the maker space. Looks good.
Wir haben #Internet im #Makerspace #Esslingen. So macht es gleich mehr Spaß!
Heute war es soweit: wir durften gemeinsam mit X Lehrkräften unser Escape Game "#KI - Wir haben ein Problem" im KI- #Makerspace in #Tübingen austesten
Mit dem Spiel entwickeln Schüler:innen von 12 - 16 Jahren spielend #KI-Kompetenz. Eine tolle Unterstützung für Lehrkräfte, das Thema KI in den Unterricht mit einzubinden.
Wer das Spiel mal selbst austesten möchte kann das im KI-Maker Space Tübingen machen. Neue Spiele sind ab Oktober wieder verfügbar!
An einem ersten gemeinsamen Wochenende gab es neben dem ersten Ausmisten und Musik auch einen Workshop darüber, was und wie wir auf dem Hof machen möchten.
Was würdet ihr mit einem Resthof mitten in einem Dorf machen?
ich würde gerne mit einem #esp32 eine Lampe an und aus schalten können.
Mein Problem: Das ganze soll mobil, also Akku betrieben sein, die Lampe soll hell genug sein, dass man sie auch am Tag draußen (bei Sonnenschein) sehen kann.
Der ganze Aufbau soll unabhängig 4x mit 4 Lampen und ESP32 existieren und die Lampen sollen über 2 Stunden nacheinander an und ausgeschalten werden (immer nur eine Lampe an).
Welche Lampe und Akku eignen sich dafür?
Had a walkthrough of the Ingenuity space in Cleveland. This will be the location for BSides Cleveland 2025. Oct 18. It is a MASSIVE artist and maker space. Main floor accommodates 1000 people, multiple floors with elevators for accessibility.
Quite different from prior spaces.
#BSidesCleveland #bsidescle #hacking #makerspace #infosec #ingenuity #cleveland
#linux #opensource #rave #alcohol #art #foodtrucks #afterparty #BringYourOwNetwork ?? #packetradio ??
#FieldDay #bsides
I've been helping setup the new 60W CO2 laser at my makerspace.
I noticed the other day that when I was cutting the stencil for the trash can the air assist and internal exhaust fan (on the same relay) were pulsing. Like every time it finished a cut segment it would cut off but then start right back up for the next segment. That was weird, it should always be on during a job.
Did a quick online search and one of the top results was a Maker Forums blog post I did from 2 yrs ago about an issue I had setting up my laser with the air assist. That clued me in on what the problem was. Had the controller set to blow “on laser” instead of “on cut”. Thank you past me.
#LaserCutting #MakerSpace
The stencil was laser cut from vinyl lettering transfer tape. It's best to cut the stencil with the sticky side down as that helps keep the small cut out pieces from blowing around and sticking back to itself. #LaserCutting #MakerSpace
My local makerspace's laser room really needed it's own trash can. Had to be Laser enabled customized of course.
#Kinder entwerfen, kreieren und bauen ständig Dinge selbst. Sie sind kleine #DIY -Expert/-innen. Wie kann man ihren kreativen Drang aufgreifen?
Letzte Chance zur Anmeldung für unsere #Fortbildung zum Pädagogischen #Making in der #Kita.
Wir sammeln gemeinsam mit Erzieher/-innen erste Erfahrungen mit dem Making und nehmen uns Zeit, um #Projektideen zu entwickeln und diskutieren.
Mehr Infos und Anmeldung unter:
Since I engraved the back I will be painting the back to match the frame. So the engraving will show up dark. Test painting shown on the cut off piece. #MakerSpace #LaserEngraving #LaserCrafting
End up cutting off the bottom. Then engraved the bottom the right way. Now I just need to cut the frame down. Still a relatively large mirror at ~ 22” x 23”. #MakerSpace #LaserEngraving #LaserCrafting
Hey, Fediverse!
Ab jetzt teilen wir hier auf chaos.social Eindrücke von unseren Treffen und Projekten.
Für alle, die vorbeikommen wollen sind unsere Räume jeden Dienstag ab 18 Uhr offen.
Since this is being engraved from the back I had mirrored the engraving so it faces the right way when viewed from the front. Top went fine. Very happy. Rotated the mirror to do the bottom and did a vertical mirror of an already horizontal mirrored engraving which turned out to be a mistake since physically rotating the mirror canceled out the horizontal mirroring. Should have just rotated the horizontal mirror image instead of doing the vertical mirroring.
Finding and marking the middles allowed me to set the Job Origin to Center in Lightburn and then position the laser head over the intersection of the lines on the back of the mirror. Then started the engraving. Since the job origin is set to center Lightburn engraves everything relative to that point. #LaserEngraving #LaserCrafting #MakerSpace
I used the horizontal lines to set the mirror edge parallel to the x-axis by running the laser head and laser pointer down the marked line and adjusting the mirror until the laser pointer stayed on the line from one side to the other. #LaserEngraving #LaserCrafting #MakerSpace
I had to use the pass through slot opening on the machine to fit the short side of the mirror into the bed area. #LaserEngraving #LaserCrafting #MakerSpace
In today’s adventures in Laser Crafting I found a largish mirror curb side on the morning walk. It’s about 22”x28”, so too big for my 50W laser. But guess who now has access to a larger bed 60W laser machine through their local maker space.
Did you know that the #EU maintains #makerspace list? Me neither, but #TIL. Sadly there isn't one in #Szeged.... yet.