She's afraid of Trump though.
That's how the Co-Presidency works.
She's afraid of Trump though.
That's how the Co-Presidency works.
GOP Senator Slams Republicans for Being “Afraid” of Elon Musk
Most #Republicans stood up to applaud #Trump’s announcement that he would impose reciprocal #tariffs on April 2, but several remained seated, including Sens #LisaMurkowski (Alaska), #SusanCollins (Maine) & #RogerWicker (Mississippi).
I don’t care if they sit or stand. I want them to vote for the US interests & stop kowtowing to Trump.
Republikanische Senatorin
#LisaMurkowski stellt sich gegen Trumps Ukraine-Kurs
Heftige Kritik am Parteikollegen: Die Annäherung von US-Präsident Trump an Kremlchef Putin sei gefährlich, findet die Republikanerin Lisa Murkowski. Und bei seinem Umgang mit der Ukraine werde ihr »übel«.
@DemocracyMattersALot #lisamurkowski and #susancollins vote against trump all the time. Why? Because they were elected in states that have open primaries and #rankedchoicevoting. They are immune to the threat of well funded primary challenges from MAGA candidates because MAGA candidates would never win an open primary and ranked choice voting benefits candidates with broad appeal. They are free to speak up for the people they actually represent.
“Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) delivered a scorching rebuke Saturday of President Donald Trump’s explosive exchange with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a rare voice of Republican dissent as party members lined up in support of the president’s increasingly combative relationship with Ukraine,” Politico reports.
Senator: you're going to have to do more than grunt and frown. You took an oath to the Constitution, remember?
Murkowski knocks Musk over ‘absurd weekend email’
Via #RawStory @ 7:00pm ET on Feb 13, 2025
#Republican senator #LisaMurkowski is proposing legislation in direct defiance of President Donald #Trump.
Trump announced in his inaugural speech that he would seek to rename #Alaska's #Denali as part of his day-one actions, a move that would override the will of the state's #Indigenous population and its elected leaders.
Lisa Murkowski focused on what really matters, while she confirms a cabinet of traitors, crooks, and idiots. Vote her out.
Murkowski introduces bill to reverse Trump's Mount McKinley name change Crews rush to recover commuter plane found crashed on Alaska sea ice before expected snow and wind #AKStateWire #Alaska #america #APTopNews #BenEndres #BenjaminMcIntyreCoble #ClimateAndEnvironment #DavidBeveridge #DavidOlson #GeneralNews #JimKimoWest #JohnHandeland #KameronHartvigson #LisaMurkowski #MikeSalerno #PlaneCrashes #U.S.News #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USA #USANews
Today, U.S. #Senator #JoeManchin (I-WV), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and Senator #LisaMurkowski (R-AK) introduced #Bipartisan Legislation to Advance #AI Leadership by harnessing the existing National Laboratory infrastructure and workforce at the Department of Energy (#DOE). Dating back to the Manhattan Project, the DOE’s National Labs have been at the forefront of scientific advances and national security matters.
Most #Senate #Republicans, despite previously voicing issues w/the substance of the articles of #impeachment against #Mayorkas, have echoed the lower chamber’s calls for the Senate to adhere to the rules of impeachment & hold a #trial.
At least one Republican — Sen #MittRomney — has said he plans to vote against a full trial. Several others who have been critical of the impeachment have yet to stake out their position, including Sens #SusanCollins & #LisaMurkowski.
Gee, what’s the rush, Lisa? Why not wait to see how many millions they kill or how many kids they cage?
#GOPCourage #GOPCowardice #LisaMurkowski #Alaska #GOP
Senator Lisa Murkowski Says She May Leave GOP Over Party’s Trump-Mania
Long thread/16
As Meyerson writes, centrist Dems have refused to push McConnell on this, hoping for comity and not wanting to violate decorum. But #ChuckSchumer has finally bestirred himself to fight this issue, and Alaska #GOP senator #LisaMurkowski has already broken with her party to move Wilcox's confirmation to a floor vote.
Informational chart: Members of Congress who received most money from #oil and #gas industry during the 2022 election cycle
#Manchin, the top recipient of contributions from the oil and gas industry during the 2022 election cycle, vowed to oppose President Joe Biden’s “radical climate agenda.”
Top 10 Recipients of #OilAndGasIndustry money:
1. Sen. #JoeManchin (D-W.Va.)
2. House Speaker #KevinMcCarthy (R-Calif.)
3. Rep. #AugustPfluger (R-Texas)
4. Sen. #JamesLankford (R-Okla.)
5. Rep. #WesleyHunt (R-Texas)
6. Sen. #LisaMurkowski (R-Alaska)
7. House Majority Leader #SteveScalise (R-La.)
8. Rep. #HenryCuellar (D-Texas)
9. Sen. #MarkwayneMullin (R-Okla.)
10. Sen. #RonJohnson (R-Wisc.)