Lethal in Disguise
How Crowd-Control Weapons Impact Health and Human Rights (USA - NewYork)

Lethal in Disguise
How Crowd-Control Weapons Impact Health and Human Rights (USA - NewYork)
Schallwaffe gegen Demonstranten in #Belgrad: Serbisches Innenministerium bestätigt Besitz von #LRAD-Systemen nach widersprüchlichen Aussagen. Jetzt sind auch Beweisfotos aufgetaucht. #Beograd https://winfuture.de/news,149723.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Die Schallwaffe von Serbiens Machthaber wurde identifiziert
Aufnahmen auf #SocialMedia zeigen Schallkanonen auf den Geländewagen der Bereitschaftspolizei. Der Innenminister verstrickt sich in Widersprüche....
#Serbian protesters demand investigation as #government denies 'sonic weapon' #LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Devices) attack with alleged #Vortex Ring Gun or Vortex Cannon
#LRAD #SonicWeapons #StaySafe #protests #FreePalestine #EndTheGenocide.
So I hear sonic weapons are being used by Police in the US on protesters.
Here's an interesting video on what might work to protect you.
Aus aktuellem Anlass / Due to current events / због актуелних дешавања:
@markusreuter could be this #nonlethal thing https://www.army.mil/article/176579/ardec_engineers_develop_solid_state_active_denial_technology_for_non_lethal_crowd_control
#SSADT is a #directedenergyweapon that uses #radio frequency or RF, millimeter waves at 95 GHz traveling at the speed of light to create a brief intolerable heating sensation on the person's skin at tactically useful ranges. The heat sensation propels persons to instinctively move to escape the energy.
@cbcnews Any #ee (#electicalEngineering) folks have ideas for our Serbian friends for how to design a device which would safetly and selectively destroy an #LRAD while leaving other electronics (besides maybe some loudspeakers) undamaged?
On 03/15/'25, "a significant event unfolded in #Belgrade, Serbia, where police employed an #LRAD (#LongRangeAcousticDevice) sonic cannon against student protesters."
"The LRAD is designed to project sound over long distances, making it a tool for communication or crowd control. However, its extreme volume can cause disorientation, discomfort, and even physical harm to those exposed."
I'm just gonna park this here..you know, for future reference
A #VanityFair article by #BessLevin dated September 17, 2020
Testifying before lawmakers, D.C. #NationalGuard Major #AdamDDeMarco said that in the hours before protesters were forcibly cleared from #LafayetteSquare, federal officials started to stockpile #ammunition and “seek devices that could emit deafening sounds and make anyone within range feel like their skin is on fire"