A Sense of Doubt blog post #3689 - Dark Energy is Even Stranger Than We Thought. https://sensedoubt.blogspot.com/2025/03/a-sense-of-doubt-blog-post-3689-dark.html #science #Space #DarkEnergy #Strange

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3689 - Dark Energy is Even Stranger Than We Thought. https://sensedoubt.blogspot.com/2025/03/a-sense-of-doubt-blog-post-3689-dark.html #science #Space #DarkEnergy #Strange
Dark Energy experiment challenges Einstein's theory of Universe https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4geldjjge0o #darkenergy #physics #science #cosmology #einstein #STEM
Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy Newsletter: Is the Universe misbehaving again?
(Excellent explainer. Phil is amazing at these discussions)
#astronomy #DarkEnergy
Karanlık Enerjide Büyük Keşfi. Evren Genişlemesinde Sil Baştan #BerkeleyLab #darkenergy #desi #physics #space #universe
[Zoom on the #CosmicWeb] Have you dived into the deep fields of #Euclid revealed this Wednesday by the @ec_euclid ? Have you navigated between the thousands of #galaxies of different shapes, sizes, colors and masses? So many objects, near and far, fill our #Universe! https://sky.esa.int/esasky/?hide_welcome=true&hide_banner_info=true&hips=DES-DR2+ColorIRG&sci=false&layout=esasky&euclid_image=EDFS
What if their spatial distribution could tell us something about two mysterious components : #DarkMatter and #DarkEnergy? This is the gamble taken by the scientists involved in the Euclid mission. To do so, they've designed some unrivalled #instruments: a camera with great depth of field and high resolution records the variety of shapes and spatial distribution of galaxies, while a #spectrometer coupled with a #photometer can determine the distances and masses of galaxies ...
Alain Blanchard, professor at the University of Toulouse and researcher at IRAP, comments on the consortium's first-ever publication of scientific data: https://www.irap.omp.eu/en/2025/03/euclid-telescope-reports-first-results/
It's looking more and more as if dark energy, the mysterious force that scientists say is driving the accelerating expansion of the universe, isn't as strong as it once was. But don't resign yourself to the eventual collapse of the cosmos just yet. https://cosmiclog.com/2025/03/20/sky-survey-boosts-the-case-for-dark-energys-downturn/ #DarkEnergy #DESI #Space #Cosmology
Sky survey boosts the case for dark energy’s downturn
It's looking more and more as if dark energy, the mysterious factor that scientists say is behind the accelerating expansion of the universe, isn't as constant as they once thought.
The latest findings from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, or DESI, don't quite yet come up to the level of
#CosmicSpace #Cosmology #DarkEnergy #DESI #Space
#DarkEnergy weakening? Must be because certain Death Eaters have sucked up all the darkness of the #Universe ...
serious #science though, coming from #Euclid mission and #supernova measurements:
https://www.theguardian.com/science/2025/mar/19/dark-energy-mysterious-cosmic-force-weakening-universe-expansion #cosmology
#Darkenergy isn't what we thought – and that may transform the #cosmos
#einstein #alberteinstein #physics #space #darkmatter #darkenergy #astronomy #galaxies #stars #spacetime #discovery #technology #science #nasa #esa #gravity #relativity #theoryofrelativity #universe #cosmos #expansion #bigbang
The article doesn’t say too much, but is it surprising to find the universe may be more complicated than we currently think it is?
Dark Energy experiment challenges Einstein's theory of Universe https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4geldjjge0o
Interesting article about 'Dark Energy' and new evidence pointing to a change over time. It could underpin a new theory of - well - how everything works.
Also including our very own University of Portsmouth.
Is Dark Energy Getting Weaker? New Evidence Strengthens the Case
Could the Big Crunch theory for the end of our Universe be coming back? Or is it Heat Death?
It's all a long, long way ahead of though, but I'll prefer a Crunch over a Heat Death, the Universe could be a cycle.
(and, these are related articles, imho)
"A fundamental symmetry in physics, known as CPT (charge, parity, and time reversal) symmetry, implies that processes occur in mirrored pairs. In my model, this #symmetry ensures that when our universe emerges in one time direction, an anti-universe emerges in the opposite time direction. Although these two branches are classically separate, they remain quantum mechanically entangled…"
Could the universe ever stop expanding? New theory proposes a cosmic ‘off switch’ | Live Science…
Dark energy, the mysterious phenomenon that powers the expansion of the universe, may undergo periodic 'violent transitions' that reverse the growth of the #cosmos... #darkenergy #astronomy #cosmology
astrophysicist Isobel Hook, of Lancaster University, has been awarded the 2025 #CarolineHerschelMedal.
Fascinating science, and what a lovely ceremony it was. Also, a timely reminder, that science really really depends on international cooperation.
https://www.ras.ac.uk/news-and-press/news/visionary-astrophysicist-awarded-caroline-herschel-medal #science #astronomy #cosmology #DarkEnergy
NOIRLab image of the week
Gemini North Under a Blanket of Airglow
Release date: Feb. 26, 2025
Full credits and details: https://noirlab.edu/public/images/iotw2509a/
I took the liberty to upload its panorama version in this interactive 360° app, give it a spin, it's beautiful: https://www.360cities.net/image/gemini-north-under-a-blanket-of-airglow-360-panorama/vr