#BirdFlu Widespread
Scientists are now reporting that the H5n1 Bird Flu virus is more widespread and serious than previously known.
#BirdFlu Widespread
Scientists are now reporting that the H5n1 Bird Flu virus is more widespread and serious than previously known.
New Threat Model from @violetblue focuses on #Covid, but "There are many other very bad things happening right now; I don’t see anyone covering public health as a whole... This newsletter fills that gap so we can stay aware and plan for trouble ahead."
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#BirdFlu #H5N1 #Measles #MaskUp
I'm beginning to think that Agent Orange and everyone in his administration have a death wish...Or they are all just dumb as dirt.
RFK, Jr. Wants to Let Bird Flu Spread on Poultry Farms. Why Experts Are Concerned
Health secretary RFK, Jr. has repeatedly suggested that farmers should let bird flu spread through flocks. Experts explain why that’s a dangerous idea
#birdflu #poultryfarms #RFK #health #disease
"The Trump administration has not staffed an office established by Congress to prepare the nation for future pandemics, according to three sources familiar with the situation.
The White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy was established by Congress in 2022 in response to mistakes that led to a flat-footed response to the Covid-19 pandemic."
@AkaSci #Trump blames #Eggprices on killing chickens. But #chickens w #birdflu do not produce eggs, infect more chickens, who then also do not produce eggs, but only keep increasing the population of infected birds that don't lay eggs while costing farmers for feed and care they can't afford w no egg sales income. The answer is to defeat bird flu, however slow that will be. Raising chickens to be infected at home doesn't work where it is prohibited (my neighborhood) or for apartment dwellers.
RFK, Jr. Wants to Let #BirdFlu Flu Spread on Poultry Farms. Why Experts Are Concerned #ScientificAmerican
@TomWellborn My local farmers market has an egg seller that most people get their eggs from. They recently hiked the price of eggs from $7/dozen to $10/dozen, but part of the reason is that they’re getting a “biosecure coop” for their birds—they figure it’s cheaper than replacing the entire flock every few months and still not being able to sell the eggs.
Who got to NY’s governor, Kathy Hochul, to make her even consider a mask ban? Especially with bird flu just around the corner….. If you’re alarmed, spread the word to your networks.
Here’s a handy toolkit (with more links than you can imagine!) (thanks to @luckytran for posting the info yesterday)
RFK, Jr. Wants to Let #BirdFlu Spread on Poultry Farms. Why Experts Are Concerned
Health secretary #RFK, Jr. has repeatedly suggested that farmers should let bird flu spread through flocks. Experts explain why that’s a #dangerous idea
S. #Korea, #H5 #Birdflu Virus Antigen Found in South Chungcheong Province, https://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=i&Seq_Code=77105
South Korea's Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (AI) Control Center announced on Thursday (March 20) that the H5 type of avian influenza (AI) virus antigen was found at laying hen farms located in the cities of Cheonan and Sejong, South Chungcheong Province.
#h5n1 #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe #hpai #geflügelpest #health
"Verbrauchern, die wissen wollen, ob ihr Käse mit Rohmilch hergestellt wurde, rät die FDA zum Blick auf die Zutatenliste, wo dies manchmal angegeben werde. An milchverarbeitende Betriebe richtet die FDA unter anderem die Empfehlung, keine Milch von infizierten Kühen zu nutzen, um Rohmilchprodukte herzustellen."
Ffs: RFK Jr. Suggests Letting Bird Flu Spread
Just close the border to #USians already.
‘Kennedy recently suggested that instead of culling infected birds, farmers should instead allow the virus to run through flocks to identify naturally immune birds.
‘"We can identify the birds and preserve the birds that are immune to it.”
‘Though Kennedy has no direct control over farms, Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins has also expressed interest in testing the idea.’
‘“That’s a really terrible idea, for any one of a number of reasons”…
Since January 2022, bird flu has affected more than 166 million birdsacross every U.S. …
‘But if the bird flu were to run through a flock of five million birds, “that’s literally five million chances for that virus to replicate or to mutate.”
‘It could also put farm workers and other animals at risk.’
(no damn surprise here; sadly with Musk and RFK, expect another deadly virus in the wild via #kakistocracy)
new research provides urgent findings as #birdflu poses an ongoing threat to global agricultural interests and raises increasing alarms for human health.
…"an overall worsening in antibody affinity to more recent H5N1 isolates" …future #H5N1 viral lineages pose a greater risk to human health—including the possibility of increased transmission in humans…
Please watch and share! Bird flu isn’t going away, it’s mutating.
Bird flu continues spread as Trump’s pandemic experts are MIA
Vacancies in a key office of pandemic preparedness raise concern. https://arstechnica.com/health/2025/03/bird-flu-continues-spread-as-trumps-pandemic-experts-are-mia/
The report on the vacancies comes amid other moves that call into question the country's ability to respond to a pandemic threat under the Trump administration. The USDA has shifted its response to the ongoing bird flu outbreak away from the health threat. For instance, in late February, agriculture secretary Brooke Rollins touted a $1 billion effort to combat bird flu as a "strategy to deliver affordable eggs."
Meanwhile, health secretary and anti-vaccine advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has suggested that poultry farmers should let the virus run rampant through flocks rather than safely cull them, which is currently required. Farmers "should consider maybe the possibility of letting it run through the flock so that we can identify the birds, and preserve the birds, that are immune to it," Kennedy, who has no health or science background, said during an interview on Fox News.
46,000 birds died or killed after bird flu in Mississippi.
"...A new strain of a highly pathogenic bird flu known as H7N9 has surfaced at a poultry farm in Mississippi where chickens are raised for breeding...."