I'm sorry to say that (again), but: Everyone would be better off if we'd just drop the BS idea of "apps" and embrace #PWA as the architecture to build products.
- Oh you want to use our platform, we're terribly sorry but it's iOS only.
- Oh you want to use feature-X on web? Sorry, but we prefer that you install our supper-crappy-app so that we have some vague vanity metrics for ourselves and on you.
- Ah feature-Y? Yeah that exists only on web.
Oh you think that you have to use [platform X], because it's polished animations, OS integrations, and advanced APIs? Welp.
Nobody. Gives. A. Crap.
People want your app to [do the thing] and be able to never open it again.
@MichalBryxi when I was in academia our design policy was to look at the metrics and put the thing that people most used at the top right. Some of the departments still wanted "welcome to my webpage"
@kastope I think I've heard it over here:
- We've decided that trains will go only at 10am and 11am.
- Why?
- Metrics!
- ???
- We've looked at the times people are buying tickets and it's almost always at 9:45 and 10:45! We're using metrics!
- That's not ... What ... How do you ... Eh, nothing...