@beforewisdom case in point, flat-earthers when their own experiments measured curvature.
As a #Mathematics teacher, I can tell you I have run into a whole BUNCH of people (especially on #Twitter ) who would rather believe #Google than a #Maths textbook I have quoted! They even quote #ChatGPT which isn't even programmed to do Maths!
P.S. Follow #MathsMonday (or me directly) for semi-regular posts on actual #math (not Google's (mis)understanding of it)
In short, if they can find someone/thing to agree with them, even if it's wrong, they use that as "proof" that they are right.
You must be British. It sounds like fun, but my math days are over. It is just arithmetic for me now on. Time and energy.
I'm afraid confirmation bias is hard wired in all of us and we only do better when inspired to go against our nature.
Australian actually, but I have taught both the U.K. and N.S.W. curricucula. Some of the terminology is different, but of course all the rules are exactly the same (as they are everywhere).
Interesting that you mention #arithmetic as what I've found is the students who say they hate #Maths are the students who actually are lacking in their arithmetic skills! (so OF COURSE they are struggling with the harder stuff). Once they're up to speed with that they don't hate #math anymore!
@SmartmanApps Americans don't use the "maths" abbreviation, so that gave me a clue.
I never had a problem with arithmetic I didn't come to appreciate higher math until I was an adult and took a career path where I don't need to use it very often..
Yeah I know, and I've had some of them argue with me that "Mathematics isn't plural". Ah, yes it is (and even if it wasn't that doesn't mean you HAVE TO drop the "s". e.g. Pty Ltd includes both the first and last letters. Abbreviations aren't necessarily just the first letters).
You can take it from this that I get a lot of people arguing with me based on their own lack of knowledge of the actual rules (and such people will refuse to even believe a Maths textbook if Google says they're "right").
I believe you, it is a common thing.
Some right wing guy asked me why I never believed his version of reality.
I told him that the version of the news I accept comes from multiple sources and all around the world.
He somehow managed to find an Australian right wing kook with his own show to back up what he heard on Fox News.
Just like your story, he kept on looking until he found someone that told him what he wanted to hear.
Yeah, the biggest issue in the #Maths area - and I'm talking specifically about the order of operations rules here (check out my posts from yesterday) - is there's a whole BUNCH of youtubes from University people claiming it's ambiguous. It's HIGH SCHOOL Maths, which they have clearly forgotten - I've never seen a High School teacher get the answer wrong, or claim it's ambiguous, only University types (so I wish they'd stop making those damn misinformation video's!)
P.S. I also often see (often disparagingly) "this is a 5th grade Maths problem". No, it isn't. You don't get bracketed expressions with co-efficients until Year 7 (and by far the majority of people getting it wrong are following the Primary School interpretation, which only works if there's no co-efficients. This includes Texas Instruments calculators)
@SmartmanApps LOL, the first few times I heard it from a British monk I watched I wondered what was wrong with him. :-)
If people could look in a mirror and see themselves accurately...oh how different the world would be.
@beforewisdom The tricky thing about this tweet is that if the guy had said, "Wow, I never realized that, you changed my mind!" it would be equally funny.