[Episode 10 trans-#usa #mexico 9,000-mile #overland #roadtrip]
[Episode 10 trans-#usa #mexico 9,000-mile #overland #roadtrip]
Am I the only one thinking that Ruth Ben-Ghiat sounds a bit similar to Scully in this video about dictators?
https://youtu.be/vK6fALsenmw (34 min)
I might need to start another #XFiles rewatch.
Seen in Belfast in 2006; fits The X-Files
#xfiles #aktexcwt #thexfiles #foxmulder #spookymulder #belfast #northernireland #norniron
Ich habe beim Golem #Podcast „Besser Wissen“ mit Martin Wolf über utopische Geschichten in dystopischen Zeiten gesprochen; außerdem über Kommunalpolitik, wie man trotz allem optimistisch bleibt und wieso ihr nie meine Akte-X #Fanfiction zu lesen bekommt!
All das und mehr im aktuellen „Besser Wissen“ Podcast auf
und überall wo es Podcasts gibt.
#golem #besserwissen #utopie #dystopie #interview #literatur #phantastik #IT #sciencefiction #KI #AI #kommunalpolitik #xfiles
Episode 10: The tiny hamlet of Rachel, also featured in #xfiles, on #extraterrestrial Highway is gateway to #USAF #topsecret #area51 base #nevada. Read more: https://thevagabondcouple.blogspot.com/2024/07/trans-america-overland-road-trip-part-10-extraterrestrial-hwy-area-51-weird-nevada-mojave-desert-art-sculpture-death-valley.html
Among the most memorable days of our 9,000 mile #usa #mexico #roadtrip: #nevada's #xfiles featured #alien country, #extraterrestrialhighway, uniquely strange #WeirdNevada desert art, into #deathvalley, #california: https://thevagabondcouple.blogspot.com/2024/07/trans-america-overland-road-trip-part-10-extraterrestrial-hwy-area-51-weird-nevada-mojave-desert-art-sculpture-death-valley.html
Eine meiner Lieblingsfolgen in Staffel 1 - Das Nest (1X02 Tooms). Spannend und witzig zugleich. Die Trick-Effekte waren für eine TV-Serie der damaligen Zeit echt gut. Top
#aktexcwt #aktex #xfiles #foxmulder #spookymulder #iwanttobelieve #thetruthisoutthere #tooms #eugenetooms #eugenevictortooms
Today, March 7, in 1992, Dr. Dana Scully and FBI agent Fox Mulder work on their first case together, traveling to northwest Oregon to investigate potential alien abductions (The X-Files, s01e01 “Pilot”, 1993)
#xfiles os episódios mais legais são os que envolve O Grande Plano, uma conspiração do cancerígeno que envolve alienígenas e experimentos entre alienígenas e seres humanos.
Ah, chegou no ponto da série q foi provado que exista vida extraterrestre diante uma comissão do Senado, mas tá lá o cancerígeno queimando as provas com um senador
I'm re-watching season three of The X-Files and taking a guilty pleasure in enjoying all the computer effects which appear on monitors and other screens.
More posts will eventually follow from season four.
YouTube Tipp
#SAG Awards: #DavidDuchovny and #GillianAnderson Have #XFiles REUNION! #AkteX
Il Nerdastro (@nerdastro.bsky.social)
> Oggi, Buongiorno solo a loro due. #GillianAnderson e #DavidDuchovny ci hanno regalato una splendida X-Reunion ai #SAGAwards. La Verità, e la loro Alchimia, sono ancora là fuori! #XFiles #XFilesReunion #SAGAwards2025 #SerieTV
Okay, in Darkness Falls, S1E20 of the X-Files, the one where they’re stuck in the forest and these tiny killer bugs attack them when it’s dark, the forest ranger character, instead of wearing the Forest Service uniform’s khaki campaign hat, or a slouch hat, or even a baseball cap, is wearing a bottle green felt fedora with a wide brim and a grosgrain ribbon, a real pimp hat. Like they couldn’t find the proper hat, went to Goodwill, and thought, eh, nobody will notice
Gillian Anderson is hot in the #XFiles, but the "GATB" was never acceptable and in many ways society has progressed since then
If you're in that particular tranche of X-Files fandom that knows and likes the show but is unaware of the shape that X-Files fandom took on 90s Usenet, you're better off not knowing
I'd forgotten how ugly the cars were in the early 1990s