Made a start on ballasting the track…weirdly therapeutic
Made a start on ballasting the track…weirdly therapeutic
Today's update on the Model Railway
This morning I weathered a small section of track and laid in some ballast to see how easy it was and what it would look like.
Looks good to get a quality effect however is time consuming.
While there has been no actual progress today I thought I would share a little update on what I got up to this weekend.
No work on the railway today. Waiting for supplies and glue is still hardening.
Next job is to put some leaves on the ground and put a small brown path through where the tree line behind the shed will be.
Today’s progress was adding some grounding to the abandoned area that I started yesterday with the shed, the corner section behind the shed will get some trees and fallen leaves.
Today I have done some more work on the layout. Build my a new shed with an abandoned look, starting working on the road that would have been used to get there too.
A new addition to my layout. An N Gauge traction engine, this is going to live in an abandoned shed off an old road…shed to he weathered
I rode the Purple Line this morning, and was all excited when I saw the yellow on the train car, thinking it was one of the new style cars. Nope. Old style car, but with new yellow "end caps" (front and back ends).
This last week me and my dad have been working on the model railway layout, new video coming soon. It’s just taking a long time to film.
I need some help. I want to move my model railway content to its own channel, leaving Rich On Rails for “big trains” problem is, what should I name the channel
I have made some big changes to my layout tonight, this tells more of a story, it allows me to take a train to the factory which I couldn't before. This is much better in my opinion.