Scientific Value: Probably Low
Artistic Value: High
Who would have thought that one can do art with a 4 meter telescope?
Scientific Value: Probably Low
Artistic Value: High
Who would have thought that one can do art with a 4 meter telescope?
@scimeetsfiction yes, its time to redefine!
128 new moons of #Saturn discovered.
I've said this before, but I'm even more certain now: we need to redefine irregular moons (tiny moons with long elliptical orbits) to just be captured asteroids. These numbers are getting out of hand.
#Samsung präsentiert die neue Galaxy A-Serie 2025. Galaxy A56, A36 und A26 5G jetzt bei #Saturn erhältlich. Gratis-Speicherupgrade auf 256 GB für kurze Zeit inklusive. (Anzeige),149625.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Media Markt und Saturn starten den März-Abverkauf mit attraktiven Angeboten. Von Premium-TVs bis hin zu Notebooks - die Frühlingsdeals bieten für jeden Technikfan etwas. #MediaMarkt #Saturn (Anzeige),149618.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Back in 1995 I had no chance owning Sega Saturn Most folks I knew, who owned gaming consoles, pretty much jumped from
Mega Drive (Genesis) to Sony PlayStation 1
- there hasn't been many (if any)
units around in Lithuania back then
Yet Sega Saturn is awesome console with CD tray (for game discs) and cartridge slot (mainly used to extend memory). Joystics still feels top: inheriting shape and layout from Mega Drive
Can you spot 10 differences in this photo?
@Arapalla @world_beauty The crazy thing is that we got to see Mimas up close *after* Star Wars had come out in the theaters. It appeared in National Geographic's July 1981 issue. As a kid, I was stunned that there was a natural "Death Star" out there!
On #SaturnDay here’s “Dynamite Deka”, better known as “Die Hard Arcade”. This is a 1997 port of #Sega’s 1996 Titan Video Arcade 3D beat-em-up, developed by Sega AM1 & published in-house. Sega did not have the Die Hard License in Japan, hence the different name.
#Retrogaming #Saturn
Virtua Racing.
A remake of SEGA's arcade classic by Time Warner Interactive, this version features 5 tracks & 10 cars to race with.
Saturn now has 274 moons – but exactly what makes something a moon remains unclear #saturn #astronomy #moons #physics #science #STEM
Das Wochenende steht kurz bevor und damit endlich auch wieder die Weekend-Deals von #MediaMarkt und #Saturn. Wir zeigen euch die Technik-Schnapper im Überblick. (Anzeige),149575.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
There’s a translation patch in the works for the Saturn port of Capcom beat-em-up Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom! Find out how far along it is in my story:
Saturn: Astronomen finden 128 weitere Monde. Neuentdeckungen machen den Ringplaneten zum mit Abstand mondreichsten Planeten. #Saturn #Saturnmonde #Astronomie #Sonnensystem
The first weekly challenge for Hang On GP on Long Albatross Cliff Reef is well underway, and there are a couple days left to get your times in!
So what are you waiting for? Hop into the SHIRO! Discord and get racing:
And if you don't have a real Saturn, we have a new emulation category! That includes any Saturn emulator or the MiSTer Saturn core. Just one person, Random, has entered — give him some competition!
#KPOP #ALLTHEKPOP 쇼챔 원픽캠 4K MADEIN MiU(메이딘 미유) – SATURN | Show Champion | EP.546 | 25031 2
[쇼챔 원픽캠 4K] MADEIN MiU(메이딘 미유) - SATURN | Show Champion | EP.546 | 250312 [쇼챔 원픽캠 4K] MADEIN MiU - SATURN (메이딘 미유 - 새턴) #쇼챔피언 #쇼챔원픽캠 #MADEIN #미유 #SATURN ★All about KPOP! Subscribe now★ Global No.1 KPOP IDOL CHANNEL, ALL THE K-POP! Copyrightⓒ MBC PLUS, All Rights Reserved.
#KPOP #ALLTHEKPOP 쇼챔직캠 4K MADEIN(메이딘) – SATURN | Show Champion | EP.546 | 250312
[쇼챔직캠 4K] MADEIN(메이딘) - SATURN | Show Champion | EP.546 | 250312 [쇼챔직캠 4K] MADEIN - SATURN (메이딘 - 새턴) #쇼챔피언 #쇼챔직캠 #MADEIN #SATURN ★All about KPOP! Subscribe now★ Global No.1 KPOP IDOL CHANNEL, ALL THE K-POP! Copyrightⓒ MBC PLUS, All Rights Reserved.
Saturns Mondfamilie wächst: 128 neue Mitglieder beim jährlichen Familientreffen. Namensschilder werden knapp. #Saturn,149509.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
#KPOP #ALLTHEKPOP 메이딘(MADEIN) – SATURN l Show Champion l EP.546 l 250312
메이딘(MADEIN) - SATURN l Show Champion l EP.546 l 250312 메이딘(MADEIN) - SATURN #쇼챔피언 #MADEIN #SATURN ★All about KPOP! Subscribe now★ Global No.1 KPOP IDOL CHANNEL, ALL THE K-POP! Copyrightⓒ MBC PLUS, All Rights Reserved.