You’ve got about 45 minutes to finish the $157 if you wanna see me jump around a grocery store.
One kid was sick for two days. The other kid and I were laid out for a solid week. Dad kept the house going.
Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) is funding a joint initiative with the WTA for paid maternity leave of "up to 12 months" for players on the women's tennis circuit. #tennis #wta #saudiarabia #publicinvestmentfund #parenthood #women039sissues
My son just arrived in Japan. I am concurrently joyful and anxious about that. You know, airplane crashes and immigration nonsense.
Breathe in, breathe out.
I made vegan fried rice for dinner. His will be better, but mine was noms.
they call to me:
“papa, look here”
“no, papa, look here”
A comic artist illustrates the screamy horror of first-time parenthood
An edited extract from Cry When the Baby Cries, by Becky Barnicoat:
No matter how many times I've come across this poem, the punch never softens.
Panel de Circuito Cuestiones de 24 páginas Opinión no publicada a privanza de Planned Parenthood e invierte al sentenciador KacsMaryk #Circuito #cuestiones #favor #invierte #juez #KacsMaryk #Opinión #páginas #Panel #Parenthood #Planned #publicada #ButterWord #Spanish_News Comenta tu opinión
The number of births in Japan has fallen to another record low, underscoring the growing challenge of how to shoulder ballooning social security costs for an aging society. #japan #parenthood #children #depopulation #surveys #familyplanning #taxes #mhlw
My greatest achievement as an Italian-American father was when my daughter, then age 20, texted me the following: "Hey Dad. I ate at Olive Garden for the first time last night, and it was awful."
South Korea's fertility rate increased for the first time in nine years in 2024. #asiapacific #society #southkorea #familyplanning #parenthood #children #population
Okinawa resident Misako Yoshimura hated her stern-faced father, who she said stopped smiling after the Pacific War. But when she learned of what he had lost, all the resentment disappeared. #japan #society #okinawa #wwii #parenthood #children
I have no idea what a Tomato Picker is.
My mom got my daughters foam pirate swords and lightsabers.
If you think that eggs are expensive, wait till you fertilise one.
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