LEGO shows how to give your home a LEGO Mario Kart makeover:
I built this track brick by brick
LEGO shows how to give your home a LEGO Mario Kart makeover:
I built this track brick by brick
Nintendo congratulates fans on completing the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe "1 Million Lap Challenge":
Lap it up, drivers
Mario Kart DS is an odd game, especially when you eventually grind your way to Mirror Mode.
Unlike other #MarioKart games, the character doesn't seem to make any difference to gameplay. It is all down to the kart unless each character has hidden parameters that influence the karts stats that I am unaware of.
I know Mario Kart Wii does that.
But Bowser in the Egg 1, as hilarious as it looks, seemingly plays the same as if Toad was in there.
Another oddity that frustrates me is the rubber banding, nothing new. Mario Kart rubber banding is notorious.
But it feels like if you are able to eek out a sizeable lead, the AI gives up. But if they are visible on your bottom screen mini-map, you they will very quickly be trying to force themselves down your tail pipe.
You can be one of the faster karts, and the AI will outpace you in slower karts. Well, until they get a certain distance ahead of you, and they seem to also just... Quit. It's all very strange.
Necesito música que me transporte a momentos de paz.
Wow, das ist auch wieder cool gemacht! "I created a Real Life Mario Kart Race" by Joseph's Machines
#JosephsMachines #MarioKart
LEGO Mario Kart lineup used to create a stunning tabletop track:
Yep, this tracks
Ed ecco qualche clippettina della settantaquattresima diretta di Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Con un po' di fortuna per arrivare alle prime posizioni, la ricerca delle lobby interminabili o qualcuno col NAT chiuso, il guscio rosso evitato, grazie al boomerang e una bella bomba in testa sui giocatori!
#mariokart8deluxe #mariokart #mk8dx #clip
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#Trump to sign an #ExecutiveOrder that his weird #MicroPenis does NOT look like one of the toadstool characters from #MarioKart surrounded by #Yeti fur.
Well folks, I’m hosting another #MarioKart 8 Deluxe this April, with a $200 top prize. Learn more here:
#SnarkClip for these trying times in his absence! In "sliding on WHAT???", Snark reveals what matter Rainbow Road 3DS of #MarioKart8Deluxe is made of! Clipped by LiveTas!
#gaming #mariokart #nintendo #nintendoswitch #health #Snark
Abbiamo anche quest'altra clip in cui il finto Vic arriva primo!
E qualche fotogramma delle clip precedenti in cui si può notare Toad che fa scintille con Toadette e il momento in cui si vede Samu piombare dal cielo e viene colpito (secondo il mio gioco, visto che in realtà non è così, a detta sua) dalla pianta!
#mariokart #mk8dx #mariokart8deluxe[...]
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AMAZING #SnarkNews! There WILL be a #SnarkKart compilation soon from the recent stream! #Gaming #NintendoSwitch #Mario #MarioKart
I finished a run of Mario Kart DS for the first time and it's better than I thought it would be.
Bekanntester Klempner der Welt: Lego bringt Mario samt Kart als Set für 170 Euro #Lego #Nintendo #MarioKart
Abbiamo qualche clip della settantunesima diretta (disponibile intera a breve) di Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!
• Guscio rosso che insegue Samu (mitico P2P)
• Il clacson che fa fuori tutti, passando alla prima posizione!
• Doppio pallottolo bill!
#mariokart #mariokart8deluxe #clip
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Join us for a thrilling, totally adrenaline packed race on Rainbow Road!
LEGO Mario Kart - Mario & Standard Kart Set Debuts
It has been confirmed, the #MarioKart display piece will release in May with pre-orders opening up today
LEGO Super Mario: Mario Kart "Mario & Standard Kart" Set Revealed:
The rumors were true!